Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • Beyond scientific contribution: Assessment of the societal impact of research and innovation to build a sustainable agri-food sector 

      Chams, Nour; Guesmi, Bouali; Gil, José María (Journal of Environmental Management, 2020-03-26) Economia Agroalimentària
      Due to the climate change and increased attention toward environmental management issues, the agri-food sector has been extensively relying on research, development, and innovation (RDi) to transform ...
    • D7.4 How to be FAIR with your data. A teaching and training handbook for higher education institutions 

      Engelhardt, Claudia; Biernacka, Katarzyna; Coffey, Aoife; Cornet, Ronald; Danciu, Alina; Demchenko, Yuri; Downes, Stephen; Erdmann, Christopher; Garbuglia, Federica; Germer, Kerstin; Helbig, Kerstin; Hellström, Margareta; Hettne, Kristina; Hibbert, Dawn; Jetten, Mijke; Karimova, Yulia; Kryger Hansen, Karsten; Kuusniemi, Mari Elisa; Letizia, Viviana; McCutcheon, Valerie; McGillivray, Barbara; Ostrop, Jenny; Petersen, Britta; Petrus, Ana; Reichmann, Stefan; Rettberg, Najla; Reverté, Carmen; Rochlin, Nick; Saenen, Bregt; Schmidt, Birgit; Scholten, Jolien; Shanahan, Hugh; Straube, Armin; Van den Eynden, Veerle; Vandendorpe, Justine; Venkataram, Shanmugasundaram; Wiljes, Cord; Wuttke, Ulrike; Yeomans, Joanne; Zhou, Biru (Zenodo, 2022-01-11) Altres Activitats
      This handbook aims to support higher education institutions with the integration of FAIR-related content in their curricula and teaching. It was written and edited by a group of about 40 collaborators ...
    • FAIR DATA FRAMEWORK: FAIR data assessment for data management good practices 

      Reverté, Carmen (2024-08-15) Altres Activitats
      This framework is created with the aim of assisting the assessment of FAIR data and data management good practices in different environments (data portals, data repositories and so on), within the ...
    • Introducció a l’Open Refine: Casos Pràctics per a la Curació de Dades 

      Reverté Reverté, Carmen (2024-07-05) Altres Activitats
      Aquest document, és un manual introductori per conèixer el programari Open Refine. OpenRefine és una eina poderosa que ens permet treballar d'una manera senzilla amb dades tabulars que necessiten ser ...
    • IRTA Data Curation Checklist for Curators 

      Reverté, Carmen; Bonay Giner, Enric (2023-07-04) Altres Activitats
      The Data Curation Checklist for curators is a practical guide for data curators to ensure that all datasets submitted to multidisciplinary repositories are consistent to be shared and reproduced following ...
    • IRTA Data Curation Checklist for Researchers 

      Reverté, Carmen; Bonay Giner, Enric (2023-07-04) Altres Activitats
      The Data Curation Checklist for researchers is a practical quick and guide for researchers, part of the internal workflow before depositing a publication in the institutional repository to ensure basic ...
    • Readme IRTA Template 

      Reverté, Carmen; Bonay Giner, Enric (2023-07-19) Altres Activitats
      The IRTA README template is a file that documents the dataset to which it is related in a standardized way. It includes five basic sections: general information, data access information, methodological ...
    • Rúbrica per Plans de Gestió de Dades (DMPs) 

      Reverté, Carmen (2023-07-07) Altres Activitats
      Rúbrica d’avaluació de plans de gestió de dades (DMPs). Aquesta plantilla forma part del material formatiu sobre plans de gestió de dades utilitzat a l’IRTA. Plantilla adaptada de la Horizon 2020 DMP ...