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dc.contributor.authorRodon, Jordi
dc.contributor.authorTe, Nigger
dc.contributor.authorBallester, Maria
dc.contributor.authorSegalés, Joaquim
dc.contributor.authorVergara-Alert, Júlia
dc.contributor.authorBensaid, Albert
dc.contributor.otherProducció Animalca
dc.identifier.citationRodón, Jordi, Nigeer Te, María Ballester, Joaquím Segalés, Júlia Vergara‐Alert, and Albert Bensaïd. 2023. “Quantification of Camelid Cytokine mRNA Expression in PBMCs by Microfluidic qPCR Technology.” Developmental and Comparative Immunology 149: 105061. doi:10.1016/
dc.description.abstractCamelids are economically and socially important in several parts of the world and might carry pathogens with epizootic or zoonotic potential. However, biological research in these species is limited due to lack of reagents. Here, we developed RT-qPCR assays to quantify a panel of camelid innate and adaptive immune response genes, which can be monitored in a single run. The assays were validated with PHA, PMA-ionomycin, and Poly I:Cstimulated PBMCs from alpaca, dromedary camel and llama, including normalization by multiple reference genes. Further, comparative gene expression analyses for the different camelid species were performed by a unique microfluidic qPCR assay. Compared to unstimulated controls, PHA and PMA-ionomycin stimulation elicited robust Th1 and Th2 responses in PBMCs from camelid species. Additional activation of type I and type III IFN signalling pathways was described exclusively in PHA-stimulated dromedary lymphocytes, in contrast to those from alpaca and llama. We also found that PolyI:C stimulation induced robust antiviral response genes in alpaca PBMCs. The proposed methodology should be useful for the measurement of immune responses to infection or vaccination in camelid
dc.description.sponsorshipThis study was performed as part of the Zoonotic Anticipation and Preparedness Initiative (ZAPI project) [Innovative Medicines initiative (IMI) grant 115760] and the Veterinary Biocontained research facility Network (VetBioNet) project (EU Grant Agreement INFRA-2016-1 Nº731014), with assistance and financial support from IMI and the European Commission and contributions from EFPIA partners. J.R. was partially supported by the VetBioNet project. IRTA is supported by CERCA Programme/Generalitat de
dc.relation.ispartofDevelopmental and Comparative Immunologyca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalca
dc.titleQuantification of camelid cytokine mRNA expression in PBMCs by microfluidic qPCR technologyca
dc.embargo.terms12 mesosca
dc.relation.projectIDEC/PF7/115760/EU/Zoonotic Anticipation and Preparedness Initiative/ZAPIca
dc.relation.projectIDEC/H2020/731014/EU/Veterinary Biocontained facility Network for excellence in animal infectiology research and experimentation/VetBioNetca
dc.contributor.groupGenètica i Millora Animalca
dc.contributor.groupSanitat Animalca

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