Now showing items 1-12 of 12

    • A compendium of genetic regulatory effects across pig tissues 

      Teng, Jinyan; Gao, Yahui; Yin, Hongwei; Bai, Zhonghao; Liu, Shuli; Zeng, Haonan; The PigGTEx Consortium; Bai, Lijing; Cai, Zexi; Zhao, Bingru; Li, Xiujin; Xu, Zhiting; Lin, Qing; Pan, Zhangyuan; Yang, Wenjing; Yu, Xiaoshan; Guan, Dailu; Hou, Yali; Keel, Brittney N.; Rohrer, Gary A.; Lindholm-Perry, Amanda K.; Oliver, William T.; Ballester, Maria; Crespo-Piazuelo, Daniel; Quintanilla, Raquel (Nature Genetics, 2024-01-04) Genètica i Millora Animal
      The Farm Animal Genotype-Tissue Expression (FarmGTEx) project has been established to develop a public resource of genetic regulatory variants in livestock, which is essential for linking genetic ...
    • Bacterial inclusion bodies are industrially exploitable amyloids 

      de Marco, Ario; Ferrer-Miralles, Neus; Garcia-Fruitós, Elena; Mitraki, Anna; Peternel, Spela; Rinas, Ursula; Trujillo-Roldán, Mauricio A; Valdez-Cruz, Norma A; Vázquez, Esther; Villaverde, Antonio (FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2018-10-24) Producció de Remugants
      Understanding the structure, functionalities and biology of functional amyloids is an issue of emerging interest. Inclusion bodies, namely protein clusters formed in recombinant bacteria during protein ...
    • Characterization of melanin from Exophiala mesophila with the prospect of potential biotechnological applications 

      Medina-Armijo, Cristy; Yousef, Ibraheem; Berná, Antonio; PUERTA MARTÍNEZ, ANA MARIA; Esteve-Núñez, Abraham; Viñas, Marc; Prenafeta-Boldú, Francesc Xavier (Frontiers in Fungal Biology, 2024-05-15) Sostenibilitat en Biosistemes
      Introducion: Fungal melanin is an underexplored natural biomaterial of great biotechnological interest in different areas. This study investigated the physical, chemical, electrochemical, and metal-binding ...
    • Exophiala atacamensis, sp. nov., and E. crusticola from the Atacama Desert, northern Chile 

      Madrid, Hugo; Gené, Josepa; Quijada, Luis; Cantillo, Taimy; Gacitúa, Rodrigo; Valdés, Jorge; Sánchez, Carolina; Prenafeta-Boldú, Francesc Xavier; Wijayawardene, Nalin; Silva, Víctor; Godoy, Patricio (Sydowia, 2023-02-07) Sostenibilitat en Biosistemes
      In the course of a taxonomic survey on hyphomycetes from the Atacama Desert, four strains of slow-growing, cycloheximide-tolerant dematiaceous fungi were obtained from soil samples. These isolates ...
    • Exploring the use of leucine zippers for the generation of a new class of inclusion bodies for pharma and biotechnological applications 

      Roca-Pinilla, Ramon; Fortuna, Sara; Natalello, Antonino; Sánchez-Chardi, Alejandro; Ami, Diletta; Arís, Anna; Garcia-Fruitos, Elena (Microbial Cell Factories, 2020-09-04) Producció de Remugants
      Background Inclusion bodies (IBs) are biologically active protein aggregates forming natural nanoparticles with a high stability and a slow-release behavior. Because of their nature, IBs have been ...
    • Genomic architecture of carcass and pork traits and their association with immune capacity 

      Jové-Juncà, T.; Crespo-Piazuelo, D.; González-Rodríguez, O.; Pascual, M.; Hernández-Banqué, C.; Reixach, J.; Quintanilla, R.; Ballester, M. (Animal, 2023-11-28) Genètica i Millora Animal
      Carcass and pork traits have traditionally been considered of prime importance in pig breeding programmes. However, the changing conditions in modern farming, coupled with antimicrobial resistance issues, ...
    • Gut eukaryotic communities in pigs: diversity, composition and host genetics contribution 

      Ramayo-Caldas, Yuliaxis; Prenafeta-Boldú, Francesc; Zingaretti, Laura M.; Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Olga; Dalmau, Antoni; Quintanilla, Raquel; Ballester, Maria (Animal Microbiome, 2020-05-07) Genètica i Millora Animal; Sostenibilitat en Biosistemes
      Background The pig gut microbiome harbors thousands of species of archaea, bacteria, viruses and eukaryotes such as protists and fungi. However, since the majority of published studies have been focused ...
    • Identification of eQTLs associated with lipid metabolism in Longissimus dorsi muscle of pigs with different genetic backgrounds 

      Criado-Mesas, Lourdes; Ballester, Maria; Crespo-Piazuelo, Daniel; Castelló, Anna; Fernández, Ana I.; Folch, Josep M. (Scientific Reports, 2020-06-17) Genètica i Millora Animal
      Intramuscular fat content and its fatty acid composition affect porcine meat quality and its nutritional value. The present work aimed to identify genomic variants regulating the expression in the porcine ...
    • Identification of strong candidate genes for backfat and intramuscular fatty acid composition in three crosses based on the Iberian pig 

      Crespo-Piazuelo, Daniel; Criado-Mesas, Lourdes; Revilla, Manuel; Castelló, Anna; Noguera, José L.; Fernández, Ana I.; Ballester, Maria; Folch, Josep M. (Scientific Reports, 2020-08-18) Genètica i Millora Animal
      Meat quality has an important genetic component and can be modified by the fatty acid (FA) composition and the amount of fat contained in adipose tissue and muscle. The present study aimed to find genomic ...
    • PigBiobank: a valuable resource for understanding genetic and biological mechanisms of diverse complex traits in pigs 

      Zeng, Haonan; Zhang, Wenjing; Lin, Qing; Gao, Yahui; Teng, Jinyan; Xu, Zhiting; Cai, Xiaodian; Zhong, Zhanming; Wu, Jun; Liu, Yuqiang; Diao, Shuqi; Wei, Chen; Gong, Wentao; Pan, Xiangchun; Li, Zedong; Huang, Xiaoyu; Chen, Xifan; Du, Jinshi; The PigGTEx Consortium; Zhao, Fuping; Zhao, Yunxiang; Ballester, Maria; Crespo-Piazuelo, Daniel; Amills, Marcel; Clop, Alex; Karlskov-Mortensen, Peter; Fredholm, Merete; Li, Pinghua; Huang, Ruihua; Tang, Guoqing; Li, Mingzhou; Liu, Xiaohong; Chen, Yaosheng; Zhang, Qin; Li, Jiaqi; Yuan, Xiaolong; Ding, Xiangdong; Fang, Lingzhao; Zhang, Zhe (Nucleic Acids Research, 2023-11-13) Genètica i Millora Animal
      To fully unlock the potential of pigs as both agricultural species for animal-based protein food and biomedical models for human biology and disease, a comprehensive understanding of molecular and ...
    • Removal of metals and emergent contaminants from liquid digestates in constructed wetlands for agricultural reuse 

      Porras-Socias, Pau; Tomasino, Maria Paola; Fernandes, Joana P.; De Menezes, Alexandre B.; Fernández García, Belén; Collins, Gavin; Alves, Maria João; Castro, Ricardo; Gomes, Carlos R.; Almeida, C. Marisa R.; Mucha, Ana Paula (Frontiers in Microbiology, 2024-06-06) Sostenibilitat en Biosistemes
    • The Metallotolerance and Biosorption of As(V) and Cr(VI) by Black Fungi 

      Medina-Armijo, Cristy; Isola, Daniela; Illa, Josep; Puerta, Anna; Viñas, Marc; Prenafeta-Boldú, Francesc Xavier (Journal of Fungi, 2024-01-05) Sostenibilitat en Biosistemes
      A collection of 34 melanized fungi isolated previously from anthropogenic contaminated sites were assessed for their tolerance to toxic concentrations of As(V) and Cr(VI) anions. Three strains of the ...