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dc.contributor.authorDíez‑Betriu, Anna
dc.contributor.authorRomero, Agustí
dc.contributor.authorNinot, Antonia
dc.contributor.authorTres, Alba
dc.contributor.authorVichi, Stefania
dc.contributor.authorGuardiola, Francesc
dc.contributor.otherProducció Vegetalca
dc.identifier.citationDíez-Betriu, Anna, Agustí Romero, Antonia Ninot, Alba Tres, Stefania Vichi, and Francesc Guardiola. 2022. "Effect Of Freezing, Fast-Freezing By Liquid Nitrogen Or Refrigeration To Preserve Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil During Storage". European Food Research And Technology 248 (10): 2651-2663. doi:10.1007/
dc.description.abstractDuring storage, premium extra virgin olive oils (PEVOO), which are oils of exceptional sensory quality, may lose the organoleptic characteristics that define them. This study assessed the effect of applying modified atmospheres and low temperatures (refrigeration and freezing) on the quality of 4 PEVOO for 24 months. Also, the effect of two freezing methods was studied (in the freezer at − 20 °C and in a bath of liquid nitrogen), along with the impact of freezing on the quality of the oils after thawing and storing at room temperature. Official quality parameters, organoleptic assessment, phenolic compounds, volatile compounds and oxidative stability index were measured periodically. While no significant effect of headspace composition was found, the oils stored at − 20 °C maintained their initial quality better than the oils stored at room temperature. Physicochemical quality parameters remained unchanged throughout the 24 months at − 20 °C. Polar phenolic and volatile compounds associated with green and fruity aromas were better preserved at − 20 °C, which translated into a minimum change in the sensory profile of the oils. While no significant difference was observed regarding oxidative parameters, freezing at − 20 °C maintained the initial volatile and sensory profile of the oils better than freezing with liquid nitrogen. Lastly, quality of thawed oils showed no significant differences compared to control oils during storage at room temperature. In conclusion, storage at − 20 °C maintains the quality of PEVOO, especially their sensory profile, and does not compromise their quality after
dc.relation.ispartofEuropean Food Research and Technologyca
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 Internationalca
dc.titleEfect of freezing, fast‑freezing by liquid nitrogen or refrigeration to preserve premium extra virgin olive oil during storageca

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