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dc.contributor.authorLópez-Pedrouso, María
dc.contributor.authorLorenzo, José M.
dc.contributor.authorBou, Ricard
dc.contributor.authorVazquez, José Antonio
dc.contributor.authorValcarcel, Jesús
dc.contributor.authorToldrà, Mònica
dc.contributor.authorFranco, Daniel
dc.contributor.otherIndústries Alimentàriesca
dc.identifier.citationLópez-Pedrouso, María, José M. Lorenzo, Ricard Bou, José Antonio Vazquez, Jesús Valcarcel, Mònica Toldrà, and Daniel Franco. 2023. "Valorisation Of Pork By-Products To Obtain Antioxidant And Antihypertensive Peptides". Food Chemistry 423: 136351. doi:10.1016/
dc.description.abstractThe porcine liver could be used for the extraction of zinc-protoporphyrin (ZnPP) as a natural red meat pigment. During the autolysis process, porcine liver homogenates was incubated at pH 4.8 and 45 °C under anaerobic conditions to obtain insoluble ZnPP. After incubation, the homogenates were readjusted at pH 4.8, and at pH 7.5 before being centrifuged at 5500 × g for 20 min at 4 °C and the resulting supernatant were compared with the obtained at pH 4.8 at the beginning of the incubation. The molecular weight distributions of the porcine liver fractions at both pHs were very similar, however, eight essential amino acids were more abundant in fractions obtained at pH 4.8. Regarding the ORAC assay, porcine liver protein fraction at pH 4.8 showed the highest antioxidant capacity but antihypertensive inhibition was similar for both pHs. Peptides with strong bioactivity potential from aldehyde dehydrogenase, lactoylglutathione lyase, SEC14-like protein 3 and others were identified. The findings have demonstrated the potential of the porcine liver to extract natural pigments and bioactive
dc.relation.ispartofFood Chemistryca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalca
dc.titleValorisation of pork by-products to obtain antioxidant and antihypertensive peptidesca
dc.relation.projectIDINIA/Programa Estatal de I+D+I orientada a los retos de la sociedad/RTA2017-00024-C04-01/ES/Obtención de zinc-protoporfirina y ferroquelatasa para la mejora del color y la reducción de los agentes de curado en productos cárnicos/ca
dc.relation.projectIDINIA/Programa Estatal de I+D+I orientada a los retos de la sociedad/RTA2017-00024-C04-02/ES/Desarrollo de ingredientes tecnofuncionales a partir de co-productos de origen animal/ca
dc.relation.projectIDINIA/Programa Estatal de I+D+I orientada a los retos de la sociedad/RTA2017-00024-C04-04/ES/Obtención de péptidos bioactivos a partir de coproductos de origen animal para incrementar la vida útil de los productos cárnicos/ca
dc.contributor.groupFuncionalitat i Seguretat Alimentàriaca

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