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dc.contributor.authorCattaneo, Martina
dc.contributor.authorTayà, Carlota
dc.contributor.authorBurgos, Laura
dc.contributor.authorMorey, Lluis
dc.contributor.authorNoguerol, Joan
dc.contributor.authorProvolo, Giorgio
dc.contributor.authorCerrillo, Míriam
dc.contributor.authorBonmatí, August
dc.contributor.otherProducció Animalca
dc.identifier.citationCattaneo, Martina, Carlota Tayà, Laura Burgos, Lluis Morey, Joan Noguerol, Giorgio Provolo, Míriam Cerrillo, and August Bonmatí. 2023. “Assessing Ammonia and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Livestock Manure Storage: Comparison of Measurements with Dynamic and Static Chambers.” Sustainability 15(22). doi:10.3390/su152215987. ‌ca
dc.description.abstractEmission quantification from the agricultural sector, and especially from livestock manure management, is relevant for assessing mitigation strategies and for inventory purposes. There are different direct techniques used to monitor emissions from quiescent surfaces. Common techniques include the closed static chamber and the open dynamic chamber. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare different direct methods, two dynamic hoods and one static hood, for monitoring NH3 and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (N2O, CO2, and CH4) from different emission sources. These sources are ammonia solutions and different by-products of manure (compost, liquid fraction of digestate, and solid fraction of pig slurry). The use of dynamic hoods, despite their differences in size, operation, and applied air flux, presents comparable emission rates for all emissions and compounds assayed. These rates are always higher than those obtained using static hoods. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of dynamic hoods is a valuable technique for refining the indirect estimation of emissions. Keywords: ammonia emissions; greenhouse gas emissions; dynamic hood; static chamber; emission monitoring; manure managementca
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was supported by the GEMBESH project (PID2020-118830RR-I00), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The support of the CERCA Programme and of the Consolidated Research Group on Sustainability in Biosystems (ref. 2021 SGR 01568), both from the Generalitat de Catalunya, is also
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 Internationalca
dc.titleAssessing Ammonia and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Livestock Manure Storage: Comparison of Measurements with Dynamic and Static Chambersca
dc.relation.projectIDMICIU/Programa Estatal de generación del conocimiento y fortalecimiento científico y tecnológico del sistema I+D+I y Programa Estatal de I+D+I orientada a los retos de la sociedad/PID2020-118830RR-I00/ES/Mitigación de emisiones y recuperación de recursos en balsas de purines mediante sistemas bioelectroquímicos/GEMBESHca
dc.contributor.groupSostenibilitat en Biosistemesca

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