[The instructions in this document are in square brackets] [When you have completed this document, remove all instructions] [Remove any sections of this readme file template that are not relevant to your dataset] [You can add any additional information that need to be included in the MORE INFORMATION section at the end of this readme file] Generated on [YYYY-MM-DD] by [Name] Recommended citation for the dataset: [The citation occurs in the repository when you publish your data (eg. Zenodo, etc.)] ********************* GENERAL INFORMATION ********************* 1.1. Dataset title: 1.2. Authorship [Mandatory | Data authors might not be the same authors of the article] Principal Author Name: Address: Email: [Mandatory only for the corresponding author] ORCID: Co-Author Name: Address: Email: ORCID: Co-Author [Repeat the scheme for each co-author if necessary] Name: Address: Email: ORCID: 1.3. Dataset language: [Mandatory if applicable] 1.4. Abstract: [Mandatory | Summary of the dataset, not of the research results. This must be different from the abstract of the article, book or thesis. You can add the abstract in different languages.] 1.5. Keywords: [Mandatory] 1.6. Date of data collection: [Mandatory | Format YYYY-MM-DD, or YYYY-MM-DD - YYYY-MM-DD | If don't know the exact date please put the period or year known] 1.7. Publication Date: [Mandatory | Filled by datamanager, Format YYYY-MM-DD] 1.8. Funder [Mandatory if applicable | Repeat the scheme for each funder if necessary.] Funder name: [eg. MedAID European Union's Horizon 2020 project] Project identifier: [eg. 727315] 1.9. Geographical location/s of data collection: [Mandatory if applicable | Latitude, longitude, city, region, country, etc.;] [If there is sensible date, please just mentiont the city, region and country] ************************* DATA ACCESS INFORMATION ************************* 2.1. Licenses / restrictions placed on access to the dataset: CCBY 4.0 [Mandatory | The recommended license is CCBY. People can use, reuse, transform data and they have to cite your data] 2.2 Dataset DOI: [Mandatory | Filled by the datamanager] 2.3. Publications that use the data [Mandatory if applicable | Repeat the scheme for each publication if necessary.] Bibliographic reference: DOI: 2.4. Other publicly accessible locations of the data [Mandatory if applicable | Use DOI if available. URL must include last access date. These field refers to Project Deliverables, thesis... Repeat the scheme for each publication if necessary.] DOI/URL: 2.5. Link to related datasets [Mandatory if applicable |(E.g. other datasets from the same project). Use DOI if available. URL must include last access date. Repeat the scheme for each dataset if necessary.] DOI/URL: 2.6. Were data derived from another source?: [Mandatory if applicable | Answer Yes or No; if yes follow the scheme and repeat for each dataset.] DOI/URL: **************************** METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION **************************** [Description of the methodology used to generate the dataset.] [Do not copy and paste the text of the methodology section of a document that is pending of publication, unless you know that it is allowed: some publishers may consider it as a previous publication and not accept your manuscript.] [If you are referring to an unpublished article, please provide as much information as you can.] 3.1. Describe the methods for data collection and / or provide references to papers describing data collection methods [Include Explanation, Bibliografic reference and DOI/URL] [Mandatory] [eg: File X . Explanation Bibliographic reference: XXXXXXX URL/DOI: ] Additional information on data collection methods: [Provide the information here or refere to the filename ()] 3.2. Data processing methods: [Mandatory | Describe how the collected raw data was generated. Provide the filename () of any code file included in the dataset that includes code for data processing] [Eg.For each farm, adults phorids caught in sticky traps in different growing stages were identified and counted, and the ratio per day was calculated as the mean...] 3.3. Software or instrument information: [Mandatory if applicable | Information on instruments used. Include the software version. If there is specific software with restricted access, explain how it can be obtained. Please assess whether it is possible to change the dataset to an open format (recommended).] 3.4. Standards and calibration information: [If applicable | Information on instruments settings and calibration 3.5. Quality-assurance procedures: [Mandatory | Provide information on any quality assurance procedures carried out.] 3.6. Analysis methods: [Mandatory | Describe how the dataset was generated from the collected raw data. Provide sufficient information to allow for the reproduction of the results of the analyses (Include calculations); Provide the name of any code files () included in the dataset that includes code for analysis] [Mandatory if applicable | Specify Enviromental or experimental conditions E.g.: atmospheric influences, computational environment, etc.] ************************ SUMMARY OF DATA FILES ************************ [All files included in the dataset must be mentioned, with the name and extension (.csv, .pdf, etc.) of each file. Include the directory structure, if applicable.] 4.1. If the dataset includes multiple files, specify the directory structure: [Mandatory if applicable | EXEMPLE] 4.2. File list [Mandatory | Repeat the scheme for each file.] File X name: [Remember ] Short description: 4.3. Relationship between files: [Mandatory if applicable | Provide information about any linkages between files or variables within files, this maybe explained in section 4.1 skipping this section] 4.4. Information about multiple versions of the same file [Mandatory | Last modification date and content changes] **************************************** SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR TABULAR DATA **************************************** ------------------------------------------- 5.1. File name 1: [Repeat scheme for each filename; Remember ] ------------------------------------------- 5.1.1. Number of variables: [Columns] 5.1.2. Number of cases: [Rows; excluding headers] 5.1.3. Missing data codes: [Provide code and description] [Codes that specify why data is not provided. Eg. missing, not applicable...] 5.1.4. Variable list [Include full information of each variable if it's not provided within the dataset record] Variable name: [Repeat the scheme for each variable] Description: Variable codes: [If the variable is codified, or needs a legend to be understood. Eg. 1 means sample fulfils the criteria, 0 means the sample does not fulfil the criteria] Units of measurement: Range of values: Linkage to variables in other tables or datasets: [If the linkage is complex provide this information in a diagram or table and provide in this section the file name (directory_structure\filename.fileextension) of the diagram/table] ------------------------------------------- 5.2. File name 2: [Repeat scheme for each filename; Remember ] ------------------------------------------- 5.2.1. Number of variables: [Columns] 5.2.2. Number of cases: [Rows; excluding headers] 5.2.3. Missing data codes: [Provide code and description][Codes that specify why data is not provided. Eg. missing, not applicable...] 5.2.4. Variable list [Include full information of each variable if it's not provided within the dataset record] Variable name: [Repeat the scheme for each variable] Description: Variable codes: [If the variable is codified, or needs a legend to be understood. Eg. 1 means sample fulfils the criteria, 0 means the sample does not fulfil the criteria] Units of measurement: Range of values: Linkage to variables in other tables or datasets: [If the linkage is complex provide this information in a diagram or table and provide in this section the file name (directory_structure\filename.fileextension) of the diagram/table] **************************************** MORE INFORMATION **************************************** [Include any other information about the dataset that is not reflected in this template and that you consider relevant.]