Now showing items 128-147 of 3158

    • Addressing the analytical challenges for the detection of ciguatoxins using an electrochemical biosensor 

      Leonardo, Sandra; Gaiani, Greta; Tsumuraya, Takeshi; Hirama, Masahiro; Turquet, Jean; Sagristà, Núria; Rambla-Alegre, Maria; Flores, Cintia; Caixach, Josep; Diogène, Jorge; O'Sullivan, Ciara K.; Alcaraz, Carles; Campàs, Mònica (Analytical Chemistry, 2020-03-05) Aigües Marines i Continentals
      The importance of ciguatoxins (CTXs) in seafood safety and their emerging occurrence in locations far away from tropical areas highlight the need for simple and low-cost methods for the sensitive and ...
    • Adiaspiromycoses in wild rodents from the Pyrenees, north-eastern Spain 

      Krückemeier, Simon; Ramon, Marc; Vidal, Enric; Martino, Laura; Burgaya, Judit; Puig Ribas, Maria; Dias-Alves, Andrea; Lobato-Bailón, Lourdes; Pérez de Val, Bernat; Cabezón, Oscar; Espunyes, Johan (Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 2024-04-05) Sanitat Animal
      Adiaspiromycosis is a non-transmissible infectious pulmonary disease caused by the inhalation of propagules from fungal species belonging to the family Ajellomicetaceae, especially Emergomyces crescens. ...
    • Administration of Alphitobius diaperinus or Tenebrio molitor before meals transiently increases food intake through enterohormone regulation in female rats 

      Miguéns-Gómez, Alba; Sierra-Cruz, Marta; Segú, Helena; Beltrán-Debón, Raúl; Rodríguez-Gallego, Esther; Terra, Ximena; Blay, M. Teresa; Pérez-Vendrell, Anna Maria; Pinent, Montserrat; Ardévol, Anna (Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2022-11-02) Nutrició Animal
      Background. It has been previously shown that acutely administered insect A. diaperinus protein increases food intake in rats and modifies the ex vivo enterohormone secretory profile differently than ...
    • Admixture and breed traceability in European indigenous pig breeds and wild boar using genome-wide SNP data 

      Dadousis, Christos; Muñoz, Maria; Óvilo, Cristina; Fabbri, Maria Chiara; Araújo, José Pedro; Bovo, Samuele; Čandek Potokar, Marjeta; Charneca, Rui; Crovetti, Alessandro; Gallo, Maurizio; García-Casco, Juan María; Karolyi, Danijel; Kušec, Goran; Martins, José Manuel; Mercat, Marie-José; Pugliese, Carolina; Quintanilla, Raquel; Radović, Čedomir; Razmaite, Violeta; Ribani, Anisa; Riquet, Juliet; Savić, Radomir; Schiavo, Giuseppina; Škrlep, Martin; Tinarelli, Silvia; Usai, Graziano; Zimmer, Christoph; Fontanesi, Luca; Bozzi, Riccardo (Scientific Reports, 2022-05-05) Genètica i Millora Animal
      Preserving diversity of indigenous pig (Sus scrofa) breeds is a key factor to (i) sustain the pork chain (both at local and global scales) including the production of high-quality branded products, (ii) ...
    • Adult spawning and early larval development of the endangered bivalve Pinna nobilis 

      Trigos, Sergio; Vicente, Nardo; Prado, Patricia; Espinós, Francisco J. (Aquaculture, 2017-10-16) Aigües Marines i Continentals
      The development of aquaculture activities has posed an alternative solution for the preservation of some overexploited shellfish fisheries worldwide. In the same way, endemic Mediterranean bivalves such ...
    • Advances and gaps in SARS-CoV-2 infection models 

      Muñoz-Fontela, César; Widerspick, Lina; Albrecht, Randy A.; Beer, Martin; Carroll, Miles W.; de Wit, Emmie; Diamond, Diamond; Dowling, William E.; Funnell, Simon G. P.; García-Sastre, Adolfo; Gerhards, Nora M.; de Jong, Rineke; Munster, Vincent J.; Neyts, Johan; Perlman, Stanley; Reed, Douglas S.; Richt, Juergen A.; Riveros-Balta, Ximena; Roy, Chad J.; Salguero, Francisco J.; Schotsaert, Michael; Schwartz, Lauren M.; Seder, Robert A.; Segalés, Joaquim; Vasan, Seshadri S.; Henao-Restrepo, Ana María; Barouch, Dan H. (PLoS Pathogens, 2022-01-13) Sanitat Animal
      AU The:global Pleaseco response nfirmthata tollhe Coronavirus adinglevelsa Disease rerepres 2019 entedcor (COVID-19) rectly: is now facing new challenges such as vaccine inequity and the emergence of ...
    • Advances in Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) Rootstocks Worldwide 

      Rovira, Mercè (Horticulturae, 2021-08-26) Fructicultura
      Studies on hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) rootstocks have been limited to date. However, the use of vigorous, non-suckering rootstocks for this species could increase the cost-effectiveness of orchards ...
    • Advances in Rootstock Breeding of Nut Trees: Objectives and Strategies 

      Vahdati, Kourosh; Sarikhani, Saadat; Arab, Mohammad Mehdi; Leslie, Charles A.; Dandekar, Abhaya M.; Aletà, Neus; Bielsa, Beatriz; Gradziel, Thomas M.; Montesinos, Álvaro; Rubio-Cabetas, María José; Sideli, Gina M.; Serdar, Ümit; Akyüz, Burak; Beccaro, Gabriele Loris; Donno, Dario; Rovira, Mercè; Ferguson, Louise; Akbari, Mohammad; Sheikhi, Abdollatif; Sestras, Adriana F.; Kafkas, Salih; Paizila, Aibibula; Roozban, Mahmoud Reza; Kaur, Amandeep; Panta, Srijana; Zhang, Lu; Sestras, Radu E.; Mehlenbacher, Shawn A. (Plants, 2021-10-20) Fructicultura
      The production and consumption of nuts are increasing in the world due to strong economic returns and the nutritional value of their products. With the increasing role and importance given to nuts (i.e., ...
    • Advantages of using economic weights in animal production 

      Cruz, Danny Julio; Ticona Huaroco, Chessyra Ninoska; Pascual Amoros, Mariam (Veterinaria y Zootecnía, 2018-12-26) Genètica i Millora Animal
      Introduction: The economic evaluation of the production systems can be performed using the gain function technique. Objective:To carry out a review of the literature on the use of the profit function ...
    • Adventitious regeneration from haploid melon (Cucumis melo L.) leaves as an approach to increase the frequency of diploid plants 

      Mahdad, Yassine Moustafa; Menéndez, Eduardo; Clavería, Elisabet; Dolcet-Sanjuan, Ramon (In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, 2023-02-16) Fructicultura
      An efficient process of adventitious regeneration from haploid plant leaves to increase the proportion of diploid plants of six elite melon lines ‘Védrantais’ French cultivar, ‘Piel de Sapo’ Spanish ...
    • Afectació de l'estrés hídric en blat tou 

      SERRA GIRONELLA, JOAN; Jabardo, Marc (Butlletí, 2023, 86, Abril,, 2023-04-27) Cultius Extensius Sostenibles
      La situació actual de sequera es fa cada vegada més evident en l’estat dels cultius de secà. Les dades de pluviometria respecte la mitjana habitual son alarmants i les previsions segueixen sense ser ...
    • African swine fever 

      Berg, Charlotte; Bøtner, Anette; Browman, Howard; De Koeijer, Aline; Domingo, Mariano; Ducrot, Christian; Edwards, Sandra; Fourichon, Christine; Koenen, Frank; More, Simon; Raj, Mohan; Sihvonen, Liisa; Spoolder, Hans; Stegeman, Jan Arend; Thulke, Hans-Hermann; Vågsholm, Ivar; Velarde, Antonio; Willeberg, Preben (EFSA Journal, 2015-07-14) Benestar Animal; Sanitat Animal
      Since entering the eastern EU at the start of 2014, African swine fever (ASF) has spread locally in the wild boar population, independently of outbreaks in domestic pigs. No correlation between the ...
    • African swine fever and outdoor farming of pigs 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Alvarez, Julio; Bicout, Dominique Joseph; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, Jose Luis; Herskin, Mette; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Michel, Virginie; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Roberts, Helen Clare; Sihvonen, Liisa Helena; Spoolder, Hans; Stahl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Blome, Sandra; More, Simon; Gervelmeyer, Andrea; Antoniou, Sotiria-Eleni; Gortázar Schmidt, Christian (EFSA Journal, 2021-06-09) Benestar Animal
      This opinion describes outdoor farming of pigs in the EU, assesses the risk of African swine fewer (ASF) introduction and spread associated with outdoor pig farms and proposes biosecurity and control ...
    • African swine fever in wild boar 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); More, Simon; Miranda, Miguel Angel; Bicout, Dominique; Bøtner, Anette; Butterworth, Andrew; Calistri, Paolo; Edwards, Sandra; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Good, Margaret; Michel, Virginie; Raj, Mohan; Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Sihvonen, Liisa; Spoolder, Hans; Stegeman, Jan Arend; Velarde, Antonio; Willeberg, Preben; Winckler, Christoph; Depner, Klaus; Guberti, Vittorio; Masiulis, Marius; Olsevskis, Edvins; Satran, Petr; Spiridon, Mihaela; Thulke, Hans-Hermann; Vilrop, Arvo; Wozniakowski, Grzegorz; Bau, Andrea; Broglia, Alessandro; Abrahantes, José Cortiñas; Dhollander, Sofie; Gogin, Andrey; Muñoz Gajardo, Irene; Verdonck, Frank; Amato, Laura; Gortázar Schmidt, Christian (EFSA Journal, 2018-07-11) Benestar Animal
      The European Commission requested EFSA to compare the reliability of wild boar density estimates across the EU and to provide guidance to improve data collection methods. Currently, the only EU-wide ...
    • African swine fever vaccines: a promising work still in progress 

      Bosch-Camós, Laia; López, Elisabeth; Rodriguez, Fernando (Porcine Health Management, 2020-07-02) Sanitat Animal
      African swine fever (ASF), a disease of obligatory declaration to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), has contributed to poverty and underdevelopment of affected areas. The presence of ASF ...
    • African swine fever virus does not express viral microRNAs in experimentally infected pigs 

      Núñez-Hernández, Fernando; Vera, Gonzalo; Sánchez, Armand; Rodríguez, Fernando; Núñez, José I. (Veterinary Research, 2018-09-03) Sanitat Animal
      Background: African swine fever virus (ASFV) is the etiological agent of African swine fever (ASF), a re-expanding devastating and highly lethal hemorrhagic viral disease. microRNAs (miRNAs) are a new ...
    • Age and growth of the endangered fan mussel Pinna nobilis in the western Mediterranean Sea 

      García-March, J.R.; Hernandis, S.; Vázquez-Luis, M.; Prado, P.; Deudero, S.; Vicente, N.; Tena-Medialdea, J. (Marine Environmental Research, 2019-09-28) Aigües Marines i Continentals
      The present work, which is the first comparative study of the growth of the fan mussel Pinna nobilis in the western Mediterranean, encompasses 12 populations of this species living in different environments ...
    • Age-Related Serum Biochemical Reference Intervals Established for Unweaned Calves and Piglets in the Post-weaning Period 

      Yu, Kuai; Canalias, Francesca; Solà-Oriol, David; Arroyo, Laura; Pato, Raquel; Saco, Yolanda; Terré, Marta; Bassols, Anna (Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2019-04-24) Producció de Remugants
      The purpose of the present study is to establish the influence of age on serum biochemistry reference intervals (RIs) for unweaned calves and recently-weaned piglets using large number of animals sampled ...
    • Agent-Based Life Cycle Assessment enables joint economic-environmental analysis of policy to support agricultural biomass for biofuels 

      López i Losada, Raül; Rosenbaum, Ralph K.; Brady, Mark V.; Wilhelmsson, Fredrik; Hedlund, Katarina (Science of The Total Environment, 2024-01-20) Sostenibilitat en Biosistemes
      Production of agricultural biofuels is expected to rise due to increasing climate change mitigation ambitions. Policy interventions promoting targeted bioenergy solutions can be motivated by the large ...
    • Aggregation-prone peptides modulate activity of bovine interferon gamma released from naturally occurring protein nanoparticles 

      Carratalá, José Vicente; Cano‐Garrido, Olivia; Sánchez, Julieta; Membrado, Cristina; Pérez, Eudald; Conchillo‐Solé, Oscar; Daura, Xavier; Sánchez‐Chard, Alejandro; Villaverde, Antonio; Arís, Anna; Garcia‐Fruitós, Elena; Ferrer‐Miralles, Neus (New Biotechnology, 2020-02-03) Producció de Remugants
      Efficient protocols for the production of recombinant proteins are indispensable for the development of the biopharmaceutical sector. Accumulation of recombinant proteins in naturally-occurring protein ...