Now showing items 8-27 of 3158

    • A case of uterine inclusion cysts in a sow 

      Ruiz-Riera, Elisa; Nofrarias, Miquel; Martí-Garcia, Bernat; Domingo, Mariano; Segalés, Joaquim; Vidal, Enric (Porcine Health Management, 2021-11-01) Sanitat Animal
      Background: Serosal inclusion cysts are thin walled-structures located on the peritoneal surface of the uterus, frequently observed as multiple cystic structures in aggregates or grape-like clusters ...
    • A catalog of microbial genes from the bovine rumen unveils a specialized and diverse biomass-degrading environment 

      Li, Junhua; Zhong, Huanzi; Ramayo-Caldas, Yuliaxis; Terrapon, Nicolas; Lombard, Vincent; Potocki-Veronese, Gabrielle; Estellé, Jordi; Popova, Milka; Yang, Ziyi; Zhang, Hui; Li, Fang; Tang, Shanmei; Yang, Fangming; Chen, Weineng; Chen, Bing; Li, Jiyang; Guo, Jing; Martin, Cécile; Maguin, Emmanuelle; Xu, Xun; Yang, Huanming; Wang, Jian; Madsen, Lise; Kristiansen, Karsten; Henrissat, Bernard; Ehrlich, Stanislav D.; Morgavi, Diego P. (GigaScience, 2020-05-30) Genètica i Millora Animal
      Background The rumen microbiota provides essential services to its host and, through its role in ruminant production, contributes to human nutrition and food security. A thorough knowledge of the genetic ...
    • A chromosome-level genome assembly enables the identification of the follicule stimulating hormone receptor as the master sex determining gene in the flatfish Solea senegalensis 

      de la Herrán, Roberto; Hermida, Miguel; Rubiolo, Juan Andres; Gómez-Garrido, Jèssica; Cruz, Fernando; Robles, Francisca; Navajas-Pérez, Rafael; Blanco, Andres; Rodriguez Villamayor, Paula; Torres, Dorinda; Sánchez-Quinteiro, Pablo; Ramirez, Daniel; Rodríguez, Maria Esther; Arias-Pérez, Alberto; Cross, Ismael; Duncan, Neil; Martínez-Peña, Teresa; Riaza, Ana; Millán, Adrian; De Rosa, M.Cristina; Pirolli, Davide; Gut, Marta; Bouza, Carmen; Robledo, Diego; Rebordinos, Laureana; Alioto, Tyler; Ruíz-Rejón, Carmelo; Martínez, Paulino (Molecular Ecology Reseources, 2023-01-01) Aqüicultura
      Sex determination (SD) shows huge variation among fish and a high evolutionary rate, as illustrated by the Pleuronectiformes (flatfishes). This order is characterized by its adaptation to demersal life, ...
    • A Co-Association Network Analysis Reveals Putative Regulators for Health-Related Traits in Pigs 

      Crespo-Piazuelo, Daniel; Ramayo-Caldas, Yuliaxis; González-Rodríguez, Olga; Pascual, Mariam; Quintanilla, Raquel; Ballester, Maria (Frontiers in Immunology, 2021-11-26) Genètica i Millora Animal
      In recent years, the increase in awareness of antimicrobial resistance together with the societal demand of healthier meat products have driven attention to health-related traits in livestock production. ...
    • A collection of European sweet cherry phenology data for assessing climate change 

      Wenden, Bénédicte; Campoy, José Antonio; Lecourt, Julien; López Ortega, Gregorio; Blanke, Michael; Radičević, Sanja; Schüller, Elisabeth; Spornberger, Andreas; Christen, Danilo; Magein, Hugo; Giovannini, Daniela; Campillo, Carlos; Malchev, Svetoslav; Peris, Miquel; Meland, Mekjell; Stehr, Rolf; Charlot, Gérard; Quero-García, José (Scientific Data, 2016-12-06) Fructicultura
      Professional and scientific networks built around the production of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) led to the collection of phenology data for a wide range of cultivars grown in experimental sites ...
    • A comparison of isolation methods for black fungi degrading aromatic toxins 

      Quan, Yu; van den Ende, Bert Gerrits; Shi, Dongmei; Prenafeta-Boldú, Francesc X.; Liu, Zuoyi; Al-Hatmi, Abdullah M. S.; Ahmed, Sarah A.; Verweij, Paul E.; Kang, Yingqian; de Hoog, Sybren (Mycopathologia, 2019-09-29) Sostenibilitat en Biosistemes
      The prevalence of black fungi in the order Chaetothyriales has often been underestimated due to the difficulty of their isolation. In this study, three methods which are often used to isolate black fungi ...
    • A comparison of recirculation aquaculture systems versus biofloc technology culture system for on-growing of fry of Tinca tinca (Cyprinidae) and fry of grey Mugil cephalus (Mugilidae) 

      Vinatea, Luis; Malpartida, Jesús; Carbó, Ricard; Andree, Karl B.; Gisbert, Enric; Estévez, Alicia (Aquaculture, 2017-09-28) Aqüicultura
      The on-growing of tench Tinca tinca fry (1.81 ± 0.6 g) and grey mullet Mugil cephalus fry (0.65 ± 0.2 g) was carried out using two different culture systems, recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) and ...
    • A compendium of genetic regulatory effects across pig tissues 

      Teng, Jinyan; Gao, Yahui; Yin, Hongwei; Bai, Zhonghao; Liu, Shuli; Zeng, Haonan; The PigGTEx Consortium; Bai, Lijing; Cai, Zexi; Zhao, Bingru; Li, Xiujin; Xu, Zhiting; Lin, Qing; Pan, Zhangyuan; Yang, Wenjing; Yu, Xiaoshan; Guan, Dailu; Hou, Yali; Keel, Brittney N.; Rohrer, Gary A.; Lindholm-Perry, Amanda K.; Oliver, William T.; Ballester, Maria; Crespo-Piazuelo, Daniel; Quintanilla, Raquel (Nature Genetics, 2024-01-04) Genètica i Millora Animal
      The Farm Animal Genotype-Tissue Expression (FarmGTEx) project has been established to develop a public resource of genetic regulatory variants in livestock, which is essential for linking genetic ...
    • A comprehensive genome variation map of melon identifies multiple domestication events and loci influencing agronomic traits 

      Zhao, Guangwei; Lian, Qun; Zhang, Zhonghua; Fu, Qiushi; He, Yuhua; Ma, Shuangwu; Ruggieri, Valentino; Monforte, Antonio J.; Wang, Pingyong; Julca, Irene; Wang, Huaisong; Liu, Junpu; Xu, Yong; Wang, Runze; Ji, Jiabing; Xu, Zhihong; Kong, Weihu; Zhong, Yang; Shang, Jianli; Pereira, Lara; Argyris, Jason; Zhang, Jian; Mayobre, Carlos; Pujol, Marta; Oren, Elad; Ou, Diandian; Wang, Jiming; Sun, Dexi; Zhao, Shengjie; Zhu, Yingchun; Li, Na; Katzir, Nurit; Gur, Amit; Dogimont, Catherine; Schaefer, Hanno; Fan, Wei; Bendahmane, Abdelhafid; Fei, Zhangjun; Pitrat, Michel; Gabaldón, Toni; Lin, Tao; Garcia-Mas, Jordi; Xu, Yongyang; Huang, Sanwen (Nature Genetics, 2019-11-01) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      Melon is an economically important fruit crop that has been cultivated for thousands of years; however, the genetic basis and history of its domestication still remain largely unknown. Here we report ...
    • A comprehensive study on the main physiological and biochemical changes occurring during growth and on-tree ripening of two apple varieties with different postharvest behaviour 

      Giné-Bordonaba, Jordi; Echeverria, Gemma; Duaigües, Elisabet; Bobo, Gloria; Larrigaudière, Christian (Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018-11-01) Postcollita
      Apple quality and the storage potential likely depend on a range of physiological and biochemical events occurring throughout fruit development and ripening. In this study, we investigated the major ...
    • A consensus linkage map for molecular markers and Quantitative Trait Loci associated with economically important traits in melon (Cucumis melo L.) 

      Diaz, Aurora; Fergany, Mohamed; Formisano, Gelsomina; Ziarsolo, Peio; Blanca, José; Fei, Zhanjun; Staub, Jack E.; Zalapa, Juan E.; Cuevas, Hugo E.; Dace, Gayle; Oliver, Marc; Boissot, Nathalie; Dogimont, Catherine; Pitrat, Michel; Hofstede, René; van Koert, Paul; Harel-Beja, Rotem; Tzuri, Galil; Portnoy, Vitaly; Cohen, Shahar; Schaffer, Arthur; Katzir, Nurit; Xu, Yong; Zhang, Haiying; Fukino, Nobuko; Matsumoto, Satoru; Garcia-Mas, Jordi; Monforte, Antonio J. (BMC Plant Biology, 2011-07-28) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      Background: A number of molecular marker linkage maps have been developed for melon (Cucumis melo L.) over the last two decades. However, these maps were constructed using different marker sets, thus, ...
    • A consensus map for quality traits in durum wheat based on genome-wide association studies and detection of ortho-meta QTL across cereal species 

      Marcotuli, Ilaria; Soriano Soriano, Jose Miguel; Gadaleta, Agata (Frontiers in Genetics, 2022-08-30) Cultius Extensius Sostenibles
      The present work focused on the identification of durum wheat QTL hotspots from a collection of genome-wide association studies, for quality traits, such as grain protein content and composition, yellow ...
    • A cross-cultural perspective on impact of health and nutrition claims, country-of-origin and eco-label on consumer choice of new aquaculture products 

      Banovic, Marija; Reinders, Machiel J.; Claret, Anna; Guerrero, Luis; Krystallis, Athanasios (Food Research International, 2019-04-15) Qualitat i Tecnologia Alimentària
      Over the last decade, an increasing number of new value-added aquaculture products made their way onto the European market, as a response to growing demand for healthier diet, and more sustainable and ...
    • A cross-specific multiplicative binomial recursive model for the analysis of perinatal mortality in a diallel cross among three varieties of Iberian pig 

      Varona, Luis; Noguera, José Luis; Casellas, Joaquim; Martín de Hijas, Melani; Rosas, Juan Pablo; Ibáñez-Escriche, Noelia (Scientific Reports, 2020-12-03) Genètica i Millora Animal
      Perinatal piglet mortality is an important factor in pig production from economic and animal welfare perspectives; however, the statistical analysis of mortality is difcult because of its categorical ...
    • A cryptic variation in a member of the Ovate Family Proteins is underlying the melon fruit shape QTL fsqs8.1 

      Martínez-Martínez, Cecilia; Gonzalo, Maria José; Sipowicz, Pablo; Campos, Manuel; Martínez-Fernández, Irene; Leida, Carmen; Zouine, Mohammed; Alexiou, Konstantinos G.; Garcia-Mas, Jordi; Gómez, María Dolores; Tornero, Pablo; Pérez-Amador, Miguel Ángel; Esteras, Cristina; Picó, Belén; Romero, Carlos; Monforte, Antonio J. (TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2021-11-25) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      Melon cultivars have a wide range of fruit morphologies. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) have been identifed underlying such diversity. This research focuses on the fruit shape QTL fsqs8.1, previously ...
    • A Decision Support System Based on Degree-Days to Initiate Fungicide Spray Programs for Peach Powdery Mildew in Catalonia, Spain 

      Marimon, Neus; Eduardo, Iban; Martínez-Minaya, Joaquín; Vicent, Antonio; Luque, Jordi (Plant Disease, 2020-07-06) Protecció Vegetal Sostenible
      The incidence of peach powdery mildew (PPM) on fruit was monitored in commercial peach orchards to i) describe the disease progress in relation to several environmental parameters and ii) establish an ...
    • A deletion affecting an LRR-RLK gene co-segregates with the fruit flat shape trait in peach 

      López-Girona, Elena; Zhang, Yu; Eduardo, Iban; Hernández Mora, José Ramón; Alexiou, Konstantinos G.; Arús, Pere; Aranzana, María José (Scientific Reports, 2017-07-27) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      In peach, the fat phenotype is caused by a partially dominant allele in heterozygosis (Ss), fruits from homozygous trees (SS) abort a few weeks after fruit setting. Previous research has identifed a ...
    • A Description of Biremis panamae sp. nov., a New Diatom Species from the Marine Littoral, with an Account of the Phylogenetic Position of Biremis D.G. Mann et E.J. Cox (Bacillariophyceae) 

      Witkowski, Andrzej; Barka, Frederik; Mann, David G.; Chunlian, Li; Weisenborn, Jascha L. F.; Ashworth, Matt P.; Kurzydłowski, Krzysztof J.; Zgłobicka, Izabela; Dobosz, Sławomir (PLoS ONE, 2014-12-10) Aigües Marines i Continentals
      Here we present a formal description of Biremis panamae Barka, Witkowski et Weisenborn sp. nov., which was isolated from the marine littoral environment of the Pacific Ocean coast of Panama. The description ...
    • A domestication-associated gene, CsLH, encodes a phytochrome B protein that regulates hypocotyl elongation in cucumber 

      Liu, Bin; Weng, Jinyang; Guan, Dailu; Zhang, Yan; Niu, Qingliang; López-Juez, Enrique; Lai, Yungsong; Garcia-Mas, Jordi; Huang, Danfeng (Molecular Horticulture, 2021-06-16) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      Plant height is an important agronomic trait; tall plants are prone to collapse (lodging) and are unsuitable for high-density planting (Li et al., 2020). During the Green Revolution, a multitude of genes ...
    • A double‐edged sword: Complement component 3 in toxoplasma gondii infection 

      Huang, Wan‐Yi; Wang, Ya‐Pei; Mahmmod, Yasser S.; Wang, Jun‐Jie; Liu, Tang‐Hui; Zheng, Yu‐Xiang; Zhou, Xue; Zhang, Xiu‐Xiang; Yuan, Zi‐Guo (Proteomics, 2018-12-04) Sanitat Animal
      Sprague Dawley rats and Kunming (KM) mice are artificially infected with type II Toxoplasma gondii strain Prugniaud (Pru) to generate toxoplasmosis, which is a fatal disease mediated by T. gondii invasion ...