Now showing items 21-40 of 2811

    • Biofilm formation by virulent and non-virulent strains of Haemophilus parasuis 

      Bello-Ortí, Bernardo; Deslandes, Vincent; Tremblay, Yannick DN; Labrie, Josée; Howell, Kate J; Tucker, Alexander W; Maskell, Duncan J; Aragon, Virginia; Jacques, Mario (Veterinary Research, 2014-11-27) Sanitat Animal
      Haemophilus parasuis is a commensal bacterium of the upper respiratory tract of healthy pigs. It is also the etiological agent of Glässer’s disease, a systemic disease characterized by polyarthritis, ...
    • Severity of Bovine Tuberculosis Is Associated with Co-Infection with Common Pathogens in Wild Boar 

      Risco, David; Serrano, Emmanuel; Fernández-Llario, Pedro; Cuesta, Jesús M.; Gonçalves, Pilar; García-Jiménez, Waldo L.; Martínez, Remigio; Cerrato, Rosario; Velarde, Roser; Gómez, Luis; Segalés, Joaquim; Hermoso de Mendoza, Javier (PLoS ONE, 2014-10-28) Sanitat Animal
      Co-infections with parasites or viruses drive tuberculosis dynamics in humans, but little is known about their effects in other non-human hosts. This work aims to investigate the relationship between ...
    • Approaches to conserving natural enemy populations in greenhouse crops: current methods and future prospects 

      Messelink, Gerben J.; Bennison, Jude; Alomar, Oscar; Ingegno, Barbara L.; Tavella, Luciana; Shipp, Les; Palevsky, Eric; Wäckers, Felix L. (BioControl, 2014-05-08) Protecció Vegetal Sostenible
      Biological pest control in greenhouse crops is usually based on periodical releases of mass-produced natural enemies, and this method has been successfully applied for decades. However, in some cases ...
    • Epidemiological Investigation of Bovine Tuberculosis Herd Breakdowns in Spain 2009/2011 

      Guta, Sintayehu; Casal, Jordi; Napp, Sebastian; Saez, Jose Luis; Garcia-Saenz, Ariadna; PÉREZ DE VAL, BERNAT; Romero, Beatriz; Alvarez, Julio; Allepuz, Alberto (PLoS ONE, 2014-08-15) Sanitat Animal
      We analyzed the most likely cause of 687 bovine tuberculosis (bTB) breakdowns detected in Spain between 2009 and 2011 (i.e., 22% of the total number of breakdowns detected during this period). Seven ...
    • Histological development of the digestive system of the Amazonian pimelodid catfish Pseudoplatystoma punctifer 

      Gisbert, Enric; Moreira, C.; Castro-Ruiz, D.; Öztürk, S.; Fernández, C.; Gilles, S.; Nuñez, J.; Duponchelle, F.; Tello, S.; Renno, J. F.; García-Dávila, C.; Darias, M. J. (Animal, 2014-07-21) Aqüicultura
      The organogenesis of the digestive system was described in the Amazonian pimelodid catfish species Pseudoplatystoma punctifer from hatching (3.5 mm total length, TL) to 41 days post-fertilization (dpf) ...
    • Evaluation of the sustainability of contrasted pig farming systems: the procedure, the evaluated systems and the evaluation tools 

      Bonneau, M.; de Greef, K.; Brinkman, D.; Cinar, M. U.; Dourmad, J. Y.; Edge, H. L.; Fàbrega, E.; Gonzàlez, J.; Houwers, H. W. J.; Hviid, M.; Ilari-Antoine, E.; Klauke, T. N.; Phatsara, C.; Rydhmer, L.; van der Oever, B.; Zimmer, C.; Edwards, S. A. (Animal, 2014-08-28) Benestar Animal; Qualitat i Tecnologia Alimentària
      Although a few studies consider the sustainability of animal farming systems along the three classical main pillars (economy, environment and society), most studies on pig farming systems address only ...
    • Mapping and Introgression of QTL Involved in Fruit Shape Transgressive Segregation into ‘Piel de Sapo’ Melon (Cucucumis melo L.) 

      DÍaz, Aurora; Zarouri, Belkacem; Fergany, Mohamed; Eduardo, Iban; Álvarez, José M.; Picó, Belén; Monforte, Antonio J. (PLoS ONE, 2014-08-15) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      A mapping F2 population from the cross ‘Piel de Sapo’6PI124112 was selectively genotyped to study the genetic control of morphological fruit traits by QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) analysis. Ten QTL ...
    • The 2-C-methylerythritol 4-phosphate pathway in melon is regulated by specialized isoforms for the first and last steps 

      Saladié, Montserrat; Wright, Louwrance P.; Garcia-Mas, Jordi; Rodriguez-Concepcion, Manuel; Phillips, Michael A. (Journal of Experimental Botany, 2014-07-10) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      The 2-C-methyl-d-erythritol-4-phosphate (MEP) pathway provides the precursors for the biosynthesis of plastidial isoprenoids, which include the carotenoid pigments of many fruits. We have analysed the ...
    • Differences in Muscle Transcriptome among Pigs Phenotypically Extreme for Fatty Acid Composition 

      Puig-Oliveras, Anna; Ramayo-Caldas, Yuliaxis; Corominas, Jordi; Estelle, Jordi; Pérez-Montarelo, Dafne; Hudson, Nicholas J.; Casellas, Joaquim; Folch, Josep M.; Ballester, Maria (PLoS ONE, 2014-06-13) Genètica i Millora Animal
      Background: Besides having an impact on human health, the porcine muscle fatty acid profile determines meat quality and taste. The RNA-Seq technologies allowed us to explore the pig muscle transcriptome ...
    • Genetic analysis of slaughter and carcass quality traits in crossbred rabbits coming from a diallel cross of four maternal lines 

      Mínguez, C.; Sanchez, Juan Pablo; Ragab, M.; El Nagar, A.G.; Baselga, M. (World Rabbit Science, 2015-12-23) Genètica i Millora Animal
      An experiment was carried out to estimate the genetic group effects and the crossbreeding genetic parameters of slaughter and carcass traits using data on the rabbits that were progeny of does coming from ...
    • Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) Mediterranean landraces as sources of variability for allelic combinations at Glu-1/Glu-3 loci affecting gluten strength and pasta cooking quality 

      Nazco, Ruyman; Peña, Roberto Javier; Ammar, Karim; Villegas, Dolors; Crossa, Jose; Royo, Conxita (Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2014-03-22) Cultius Extensius Sostenibles
      With the aim of identifying durum wheat landraces (LR) with a potential use in breeding programs for gluten strength enhancement, the allelic combinations present at five glutenin loci were determined ...
    • Habitat use by a large population of Pinna nobilis in shallow waters 

      Prado, Patricia; Caiola, Nuno; Ibáñez, Carles (Scientia Marina, 2014-11-03) Aigües Marines i Continentals
      We investigated the habitat use and size structure of the fan mussel, Pinna nobilis L. in the Alfacs Bay (Ebro Delta, Spain, NW Mediterranean). Shore-parallel transects were conducted to assess the ...
    • Evaluation of the sustainability of contrasted pig farming systems: economy 

      Ilari-Antoine, E.; Bonneau, M.; Klauke, T. N.; Gonzalez, Joel; Dourmad, J. Y.; De Greef, K.; Houwers, H. W. J.; Fàbrega-Romans, Emma; Zimmer, C.; Hviid, M.; Van der Oever, B.; Edwards, S. A. (Animal, 2014-09-15) Benestar Animal; Qualitat i Tecnologia Alimentària
      The aim of this paper is to present an efficient tool for evaluating the economy part of the sustainability of pig farming systems. The selected tool IDEA was tested on a sample of farms from 15 contrasted ...
    • Hybrid Electronic Tongues Applied to the Quality Control of Wines 

      Gutiérrez-Capitán, Manuel; Capdevila, Fina; Vila-Planas, Jordi; Domingo, Carme; Büttgenbach, Stephanus; Llobera, Andreu; Puig-Pujol, Anna; Jiménez-Jorquera, Cecilia (Journal of Sensors, 2014-09-10) Altres Activitats
      The legislation of food industry is becoming increasingly strict with regard to the quality of food products. Therefore, the market is demanding for automatic systems of analysis that allow fast and ...
    • Serum haptoglobin dynamics in pigs vaccinated or not vaccinated against porcine circovirus type 2 

      Fraile, Lorenzo; Saco, Yolanda; Grau-Roma, Llorenç; Nofrarias Espadamala, Miquel; Lopez-Soria, Sergio; Sibila, Marina; Callén, Antonio; Bassols, Anna; Segalés, Joaquim (Porcine Health Management, 2015-04-16) Sanitat Animal
      The present work describes the serum haptoglobin (Hp) dynamics in piglets vaccinated and non-vaccinated with a commercial porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) vaccine at 3 weeks of age, and its relationship ...
    • Echinococcus multilocularis infection in animals 

      Butterworth, Andrew; Botner, Anette; Velarde, Antonio; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gortazar Schmidt, Christian; Winckler, Christoph; Bicout, Dominique; Thulke, Hans H.; Spoolder, Hans; Stegeman, Jan Arend; Depner, Klaus; Sihvonen, Lisa; Good, Margaret; Miranda, Miguel Angel; Raj, Mohan; Calistri, Paolo; Willeberg, Preben; Edwards, Sandra; More, Simon; Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Michel, Virginie (EFSA Journal, 2015-12-22) Benestar Animal
      The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) was required to support the European Commission in preparing the review of Regulation (EU) No 1152/2011. In Europe, red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is the main definitive ...
    • Confirmation of Pinnatoxins and Spirolides in Shellfish and Passive Samplers from Catalonia (Spain) by Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Triple Quadrupole and High-Resolution Hybrid Tandem Mass Spectrometry 

      García-Altares, María; Casanova, Alexis; Bane, Vaishali; Diogène, Jorge; Furey, Ambrose; de la Iglesia, Pablo (Marine Drugs, 2014-06-23) Aigües Marines i Continentals
      Cyclic imines are lipophilic marine toxins that bioaccumulate in seafood. Their structure comprises a cyclic-imino moiety, responsible for acute neurotoxicity in mice. Cyclic imines have not been linked ...
    • Normal and histopathological organization of the opercular bone and vertebrae in gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata 

      Ortiz-Delgado, Juan B.; Fernández, Ignacio; Sarasquete, Carmen; Gisbert, Enric (Aquatic Biology, 2014-06-18) Aqüicultura
      This study provides a comprehensive description of the tissue organization of nondeformed and deformed opercula and vertebrae from gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata juveniles by means of histological, ...
    • The Role of Viral and Host MicroRNAs in the Aujeszky’s Disease Virus during the Infection Process 

      Timoneda, Oriol; Núñez-Hernández, Fernando; Balcells, Ingrid; Muñoz, Marta; Castelló, Anna; Vera, Gonzalo; Pérez, Lester J.; Egea, Raquel; Mir, Gisela; Córdoba, Sarai; Rosell, Rosa; Segalés, Joaquim; Tomás, Anna; Sánchez, Armand; Núñez, J Ignacio (PLoS ONE, 2014-01-24) Sanitat Animal
      Porcine production is a primary market in the world economy. Controlling swine diseases in the farm is essential in order to achieve the sector necessities. Aujeszky’s disease is a viral condition ...
    • Towards the PCR-based identification of Palaearctic Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae): results from an international ring trial targeting four species of the subgenus Avaritia 

      Garros, Claire; Balenghien, Thomas; Carpenter, Simon; Delécolle, Jean-Claude; Meiswinkel, Rudy; Pédarrieu, Aurélie; Rakotoarivony, Ignace; Gardès, Laetitia; Golding, Nick; Barber, James; Miranda, Miguel; Borràs Borràs, David; Goffredo, Maria; Monaco, Federica; Pages, Nonito; Sghaier, Soufien; Hammami, Salah; Calvo, Jorge H; Lucientes, Javier; Geysen, Dirk; De Deken, Gill; Sarto i Monteys, Victor; Schwenkenbecher, Jan; Kampen, Helge; Hoffmann, Bernd; Lehmann, Kathrin; Werner, Doreen; Baldet, Thierry; Lancelot, Renaud; Cêtre-Sossah, Catherine (Parasites and Vectors, 2014-05-14) Sanitat Animal
      Background: Biting midges of the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) are biological vectors of internationally important arboviruses. To understand the role of Culicoides in the transmission ...