Now showing items 288-307 of 3158

    • Assessment of animal diseases caused by bacteria resistant to antimicrobials: sheep and goats 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Bicout, Dominique Joseph; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, Jose Luis; Gortazar Schmidt, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Angel; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Roberts, Helen Clare; Spoolder, Hans; Stahl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Dewulf, Jeroen; Guardabassi, Luca; Hilbert, Friederike; Mader, Rodolphe; Baldinelli, Francesca; Alvarez, Julio (EFSA Journal, 2021-12-07) Benestar Animal
      In this opinion, the antimicrobial-resistant bacteria responsible for transmissible diseases that constitute a threat to the health of sheep and goats have been assessed. The assessment has been performed ...
    • Assessment of animal diseases caused by bacteria resistant to antimicrobials: Swine 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Bicout, Dominique Joseph; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, Jose Luis; Gortazar Schmidt, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Angel; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Roberts, Helen Clare; Sihvonen, Liisa Helena; Spoolder, Hans; Stahl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Dewulf, Jeroen; Guardabassi, Luca; Hilbert, Friederike; Mader, Rodolphe; Baldinelli, Francesca; Alvarez, Julio (EFSA Journal, 2021-12-24) Benestar Animal
      In this opinion, the antimicrobial-resistant bacteria responsible for transmissible diseases that constitute a threat to the health of pigs have been assessed. The assessment has been performed following ...
    • Assessment of cytotoxicity in ten strains of Gambierdiscus australes from Macaronesian Islands by neuro-2a cell-based assays 

      Reverté, Laia; Toldrà, Anna; Andree, Karl B.; Fraga, Santiago; de Falco, Giada; Campàs, Mònica; Diogène, Jorge (Journal of Applied Phycology, 2018-06-15) Aigües Marines i Continentals; Aqüicultura
      Within the dinoflagellate genus Gambierdiscus several species are well-known producers of ciguatoxins (CTXs) and maitotoxins (MTXs). These compounds are potent marine toxins that accumulate through the ...
    • Assessment of different methods for shadow detection in high-resolution optical imagery and evaluation of shadow impact on calculation of NDVI, and evapotranspiration 

      Aboutalebi, Mahyar; Torres-Rua, Alfonso F.; Kustas, William P.; Nieto, Héctor; Coopmans, Calvin; McKee, Mac (Irrigation Science, 2018-12-03) Ús Eficient de l'Aigua en Agricultura
      Significant efforts have been made recently in the application of high-resolution remote sensing imagery (i.e., sub-meter) captured by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for precision agricultural applications ...
    • Assessment of listing and categorisation of animal diseases within the framework of the Animal Health Law (Regulation (EU) 2016/429): Bacterial kidney disease (BKD) 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Alvarez, Julio; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar, Christian; Herskin, Mette S; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Padalino, Barbara; Roberts, Helen Clare; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Bron, James; Olesen, Niels Jorgen; Sindre, Hilde; Stone, David; Vendramin, Niccolò; Antoniou, Sotiria Eleni; Aznar, Inma; Papanikolaou, Alexandra; Karagianni, Anna Eleonora; Bicout, Dominique Joseph (EFSA Journal, 2023-10-30) Benestar Animal
      Bacterial kidney disease (BKD) was assessed according to the criteria of the Animal Health Law (AHL), in particular the criteria of Article 7 on disease profile and impacts, Article 5 on its eligibility ...
    • Assessment of listing and categorisation of animal diseases within the framework of the Animal Health Law (Regulation (EU) 2016/429): infection with Gyrodactylus salaris (GS) 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Alvarez, Julio; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar, Christian; Herskin, Mette S; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Padalino, Barbara; Roberts, Helen Clare; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Bron, James; Olesen, Niels Jorgen; Sindre, Hilde; Stone, David; Vendramin, Niccolò; Antoniou, Sotiria Eleni; Karagianni, Anna Eleonora; Kohnle, Lisa; Papanikolaou, Alexandra; Bicout, Dominique Joseph (EFSA Journal, 2023-10-30) Benestar Animal
      Infection with Gyrodactylus salaris was assessed according to the criteria of the Animal Health Law (AHL), in particular, the criteria of Article 7 on disease profile and impacts, Article 5 on its ...
    • Assessment of listing and categorisation of animal diseases within the framework of the Animal Health Law (Regulation (EU) 2016/429): Spring Viraemia of Carp (SVC) 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Alvarez, Julio; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar, Christian; Herskin, Mette S; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Padalino, Barbara; Roberts, Helen Clare; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Bron, James; Olesen, Niels Jorgen; Sindre, Hilde; Stone, David; Vendramin, Niccolò; Antoniou, Sotiria Eleni; Karagianni, Anna Eleonora; Broglia, Alessandro; Papanikolaou, Alexandra; Bicout, Dominique Joseph (EFSA Journal, 2023-10-30) Benestar Animal
      Spring Viraemia of Carp (SVC) was assessed according to the criteria of the Animal Health Law (AHL), in particular the criteria of Article 7 on disease profile and impacts, Article 5 on its eligibility ...
    • Assessment of listing and categorisation of animal diseases within the framework of the Animal Health Law (Regulation (EU) No 2016/429): antimicrobial-resistant Brachyspira hyodysenteriae in swine 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Bicout, Dominique Joseph; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Roberts, Helen Clare; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Baldinelli, Francesca; Broglia, Alessandro; Kohnle, Lisa; Van der Stede, Yves; Alvarez, Julio (EFSA Journal, 2022-03-15) Benestar Animal
      Brachyspira hyodysenteriae (B. hyodysenteriae) was identified among the most relevant antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) bacteria in the EU for swine in a previous scientific opinion. Thus, it has been ...
    • Assessment of listing and categorisation of animal diseases within the framework of the Animal Health Law (Regulation (EU) No 2016/429): antimicrobial-resistant Enterococcus cecorum in poultry 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Bicout, Dominique Joseph; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Roberts, Helen Clare; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Baldinelli, Francesca; Broglia, Alessandro; Kohnle, Lisa; Alvarez, Julio (EFSA Journal, 2022-02-25) Benestar Animal
      Enterococcus cecorum (E. cecorum) was identified among the most relevant antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) bacteria in the EU for poultry in a previous scientific opinion. Thus, it has been assessed according ...
    • Assessment of listing and categorisation of animal diseases within the framework of the Animal Health Law (Regulation (EU) No 2016/429): antimicrobial-resistant Enterococcus faecalis in poultry 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Bicout, Dominique Joseph; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Roberts, Helen Clare; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Baldinelli, Francesca; Broglia, Alessandro; Kohnle, Lisa; Alvarez, Julio (EFSA Journal, 2022-02-21) Benestar Animal
      Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) was identified among the most relevant antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) bacteria in the EU for poultry in a previous scientific opinion. Thus, it has been assessed ...
    • Assessment of listing and categorisation of animal diseases within the framework of the Animal Health Law (Regulation (EU) No 2016/429): antimicrobial-resistant Escherichia coli in dogs and cats, horses, swine, poultry, cattle, sheep and goats 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Bicout, Dominique Joseph; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Roberts, Helen Clare; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Baldinelli, Francesca; Broglia, Alessandro; Kohnle, Lisa; Alvarez, Julio (EFSA Journal, 2022-05-10) Benestar Animal
      Escherichia coli (E. coli) was identified among the most relevant antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) bacteria in the EU for dogs and cats, horses, swine, poultry, cattle, sheep and goats in previous scientific ...
    • Assessment of listing and categorisation of animal diseases within the framework of the Animal Health Law (Regulation (EU) No 2016/429): antimicrobial-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa in dogs and cats 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Bicout, Dominique Joseph; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Roberts, Helen Clare; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Baldinelli, Francesca; Broglia, Alessandro; Kohnle, Lisa; Alvarez, Julio (EFSA Journal, 2022-05-03) Benestar Animal
      Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) was identified among the most relevant antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) bacteria in the EU for dogs and cats in a previous scientific opinion. Thus, it has been ...
    • Assessment of listing and categorisation of animal diseases within the framework of the Animal Health Law (Regulation (EU) No 2016/429): antimicrobial-resistant Rhodococcus equi in horses 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Bicout, Dominique Joseph; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Roberts, Helen Clare; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Baldinelli, Francesca; Broglia, Alessandro; Kohnle, Lisa; Alvarez, Julio (EFSA Journal, 2022-02-02) Benestar Animal
      Rhodococcus equi (R. equi) was identified among the most relevant antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) bacteria in the EU for horses in a previous scientific opinion. Thus, it has been assessed according to ...
    • Assessment of listing and categorisation of animal diseases within the framework of the Animal Health Law (Regulation (EU) No 2016/429): antimicrobial-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in cattle and horses 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Bicout, Dominique Joseph; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Roberts, Helen Clare; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Baldinelli, Francesca; Broglia, Alessandro; Kohnle, Lisa; Alvarez, Julio (EFSA Journal, 2022-05-10) Benestar Animal
      Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) was identified among the most relevant antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) bacteria in the EU for cattle and horses in previous scientific opinions. Thus, it has been assessed ...
    • Assessment of listing and categorisation of animal diseases within the framework of the Animal Health Law (Regulation (EU) No 2016/429): antimicrobial-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius in dogs and cats 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Bicout, Dominique Joseph; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Roberts, Helen Clare; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Baldinelli, Francesca; Broglia, Alessandro; Kohnle, Lisa; Alvarez, Julio (EFSA Journal, 2022-02-01) Benestar Animal
      Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (S. pseudintermedius) was identified among the most relevant antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) bacteria in the EU for dogs and cats in a previous scientific opinion. Thus, ...
    • Assessment of listing and categorisation of animal diseases within the framework of the Animal Health Law (Regulation (EU) No 2016/429): infection with Equine Herpesvirus-1 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Alvarez, Julio; Bicout, Dominique Joseph; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Roberts, Helen Clare; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde Calvo, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Paillot, Romain; Broglia, Alessandro; Kohnle, Lisa; Baldinelli, Francesca; Van der Stede, Yves (EFSA Journal, 2022-01-12) Benestar Animal
      Equine Herpesvirus-1 infection has been assessed according to the criteria of the Animal Health Law (AHL), in particular criteria of: Article 7 on disease profile and impacts, Article 5 on the eligibility ...
    • Assessment of listing and categorisation of animal diseases within the framework of the Animal Health Law (Regulation (EU) No 2016/429): infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Alvarez, Julio; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar, Christian; Herskin, Mette S; Michel, Virginie; Miranda, Miguel Ángel; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Roberts, Helen Clare; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Bron, James; Olesen, Niels Jorgen; Sindre, Hilde; Stone, David; Vendramin, Niccolò; Antoniou, Sotiria-Eleni; Kohnle, Lisa; Papanikolaou, Alexandra; Karagianni, Anna Eleonora; Bicout, Dominique Joseph (EFSA Journal, 2023-06-12) Benestar Animal
      Infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) was assessed according to the criteria of the Animal Health Law (AHL), in particular, the criteria of Article 7 on disease profile and impacts, Article 5 on its ...
    • Assessment of listing and categorisation of animal diseases within the framework of the Animal Health Law (Regulation (EU)2016/429): Infection with salmonid alphavirus (SAV) 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Alvarez, Julio; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar, Christian; Herskin, Mette S.; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Padalino, Barbara; Roberts, Helen Clare; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Bron, James; Olesen, Niels Jorgen; Sindre, Hilde; Stone, David; Vendramin, Niccolò; Antoniou, Sotiria Eleni; Broglia, Alessandro; Karagianni, Anna Eleonora; Papanikolaou, Alexandra; Bicout, Dominique Joseph (EFSA Journal, 2023-10-30) Benestar Animal
      Infection with salmonid alphavirus (SAV) was assessed according to the criteria of the Animal Health Law (AHL), in particular the criteria of Article 7 on disease profile and impacts, Article 5 on its ...
    • Assessment of marine benthic diatom communities: insights from a combined morphological–metabarcoding approach in Mediterranean shallow coastal waters 

      Pérez-Burillo, Javier; Valoti, Greta; Witkowski, Andrezej; Prado, Patricia; Mann, David G.; Trobajo, Rosa (Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2022-01-18) Aigües Marines i Continentals
      We investigated the advantages and disadvantages of light microscope (LM)-based identifications and DNA metabarcoding, based on a 312-bp rbcL marker, for examining benthic diatom communities from ...
    • Assessment of social aspects across Europe resulting from the insertion of technologies for nutrient recovery and recycling in agriculture 

      Andrade, Edilene Pereira; Bonmati, August; Esteller, Laureano Jimenez; Anton Vallejo, Assumpcio (Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2022-02-02) Sostenibilitat en Biosistemes
      The potential beneficial and harmful social impacts generated by the introduction of novel technologies, in general, and those concerning nutrient recovery and the improvement of nutrient efficiency in ...