Ara mostrant els elements 418-437 de 3190

    • Bona fide atypical scrapie faithfully reproduced for the first time in a rodent model 

      Vidal, Enric; Sánchez‑Martín, Manuel A.; Eraña, Hasier; Pérez Lázaro, Sonia; Pérez‑Castro, Miguel A.; Otero, Alicia; Charco, Jorge M.; Marín, Belén; López‑Moreno, Rafael; Díaz‑Domínguez, Carlos M.; Geijo, Mariví; Ordóñez, Montserrat; Cantero Portillo, Guillermo; di Bari, Michele; Lorenzo, Nuria L.; Pirisinu, Laura; d’Agostino, Claudia; Torres, Juan María; Béringue, Vincent; Telling, Glenn; Badiola, Juan J.; Pumarola, Martí; Bolea, Rosa; Nonno, Romolo; Requena, Jesús R.; Castilla, Joaquín (Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 2022-12-13) Sanitat Animal
      Atypical Scrapie, which is not linked to epidemics, is assumed to be an idiopathic spontaneous prion disease in small ruminants. Therefore, its occurrence is unlikely to be controlled through selective ...
    • Border Disease Virus: An Exceptional Driver of Chamois Populations Among Other Threats 

      Serrano, Emmanuel; Colom-Cadena, Andreu; Gilot-Fromont, Emmanuelle; Garel, Mathieu; Cabezon, Oscar; Velarde, Roser; Fernández-Sirera, Laura; Fernández-Aguilar, Xavier; Rosell, Rosa; Lavín, Santiago; Marco, Ignasi (Frontiers in Microbiology, 2015-12-18) Sanitat Animal
      Though it is accepted that emerging infectious diseases are a threat to planet biodiversity, little information exists about their role as drivers of species extinction. Populations are also affected ...
    • Bottlenecks in diagnostics of Mediterranean fish diseases 

      Zrnčić, S.; Padros, F.; Mladineo, I.; Fioravanti, M-L.; Gustinelli, A.; Palenzuela, O.; Toffan, A.; Panzarin, V.; Cuilli, S.; Fouz, B.; Le Breton, A.; Varvarigos, P.; Zarza, C.; Furones, D.; Brun, E. (Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists, 2020-06-02) Aqüicultura
      Three independent Horizon 2020 projects are prioritising a common task of solving diagnostic issues using different approaches and strategies. PerformFISH focuses its research objectives on diagnostic ...
    • Bottlenecks in the transmission of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV1) to naïve pigs and the quasi-species variation of the virus during infection in vaccinated pigs 

      Cortey, Martí; Arocena, Gastón; Pileri, Emanuela; Martín-Valls, Gerard; Mateu, Enric (Veterinary Research, 2018-10-19) Sanitat Animal
      This paper describes the results of two experiments regarding porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV1): the first one studied the existence of bottlenecks in an experimental one-to-one ...
    • Bottom-up effects of woodland eutrophication: Interacting limiting nutrients determine herbivory frequency in northwestern Patagonia 

      Pérez-Méndez, N.; Fernández, M.M.; van Doorn, L.; Català-Forner, M.M.; Martínez, L.; Garibaldi, L.A. (Science of The Total Environment, 2021-11-12) Cultius Extensius Sostenibles
      Nutrient enrichment disrupts plant–animal interactions and ecosystem functioning globally. In woodland systems, the mechanisms of bottom-up turnover on plant–herbivore interactions remain understudied. ...
    • Breeding farm, level of feeding and presence of antibiotics in the feed influence rabbit cecal microbiota 

      Velasco-Galilea, María; Guivernau, Miriam; Piles, Miriam; Viñas, Marc; Rafel, Oriol; Sánchez, Armand; Ramayo-Caldas, Yuliaxis; González-Rodríguez, Olga; Sánchez, Juan P. (Animal Microbiome, 2020-11-02) Genètica i Millora Animal; Sostenibilitat en Biosistemes
      Background The effect of the production environment and different management practices in rabbit cecal microbiota remains poorly understood. While previous studies have proved the impact of the age or ...
    • Breeding programmes to improve male reproductive performance and efficiency of insemination dose production in paternal lines: feasibility and limitations 

      Piles, M.; Tusell, L.; Lavara, R.; Baselga, M. (World Rabbit Science, 2013-06-26) Genètica i Millora Animal
      This paper reviews the current genetic knowledge on issues related with the efficient use of bucks in artificial insemination (AI). Differences between lines have been found to be relevant in semen ...
    • Breeding progress in the pasta-making quality of durum wheat cultivars released in Italy and Spain during the 20th Century 

      Subira, Joan; Peña, Roberto Javier; Álvaro, Fanny; Ammar, Karim; Ramdani, Abdelhamid; Royo, Conxita (Crop and Pasture Science, 2014-01-02) Cultius Extensius Sostenibles
      Genetic improvement of quality traits of durum wheat achieved in Italy and Spain during the 20th Century was investigated using an historical series of 12 cultivars from each country. The European Union ...
    • Breeding strategies for identifying superior peach genotypes resistant to brown rot 

      Obi, Vitus Ikechukwu; Barriuso, Juan Jose; Usall, Josep; Gogorcena, Yolanda (Scientia Horticulturae, 2018-11-01) Postcollita
      A sustainable approach to control the incidence of brown rot in pre- and post-harvest management is to select genotypes with high contents of antioxidant compounds and tolerance to Monilinia laxa (Aderh. ...
    • Breeding, planktonic and settlement factors shape recruitment patterns of one of the last remaining major population of Pinna nobilis within Spanish waters 

      Prado, Patricia; Andree, Karl B.; Trigos, Sergio; Carrasco, Noelia; Caiola, Nuno; García-March, Jose Rafael; Tena, José; Fernández-Tejedor, Margarita; Carella, Francesca (Hydrobiologia, 2019-11-27) Aigües Marines i Continentals; Aqüicultura
      The pen shell, Pinna nobilis L., is a critically endangered bivalve threatened by mass mortality events throughout the Mediterranean, but the Alfacs Bay (Ebro Delta) still hosts many healthy individuals. ...
    • Brevis thinning efficacy at different fruit size and fluorescence on ‘Gala’ and ‘Fuji’ apples 

      Gonzalez, Luis; Bonany, Joan; Alegre, Simo; Àvila, Gloria; Carbó, Joaquim; Torres, Estanis; Recasens, Inmaculada; Martin, Begoña; Asin, Luis (Scientia Horticulturae, 2019-07-26) Fructicultura
      Brevis thinning efficacy depends on climatic and cultivar conditions. The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of one application of Brevis in ‘Gala’ and ‘Fuji’ apple applied at different ...
    • Brewers’ Spent Yeast and Grain Protein Hydrolysates as Second-Generation Feedstuff for Aquaculture Feed 

      San Martin, D.; Orive, M.; Iñarra, B.; Castelo, J.; Estévez, A.; Nazzaro, J.; Iloro, I.; Elortza, F.; Zufía, J. (Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2020-07-07) Aqüicultura
      Aquafeeds are formulated to contain all the essential nutrients that fishes need to keep healthy. They are highly dependent on marine ingredients: fish meal and oil. Hence, alternative ingredients which ...
    • Brewery by-products (yeast and spent grain) as protein sources in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) feeds 

      Estévez, A.; Padrell, L.; Iñarra, B.; Orive, M.; San Martin, D. (Aquaculture, 2021-05-17) Aqüicultura
      Two trials were conducted to test the effect of partial replacement of fishmeal by two brewery industry by-products, yeast and spent grain, included in isoproteic and isolipidic diets for gilthead sea ...
    • Brewery by-products (yeast and spent grain) as protein sources in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) feeds 

      Estévez, Alicia; Padrell, Lluis; Iñarra, Bruno; Orive, Mikel; San Martin, David (Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022-09-05) Aqüicultura; Nutrició Animal
      A trial was conducted to analyze the effect of the inclusion of yeast and spent grain obtained from breweries in feeds for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), taking into account the availability of ...
    • Brewer’s Spent Dry Yeast Modulates Immunity in Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) 

      Konstantinidis, Ioannis; Firmino, Joana P.; Ruiz, Alberto; Iñarra, Bruno; San Martin, David; Estévez, Alicia; Fernandes, Jorge M.O.; Gisbert, Enric (Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022-04-07) Aqüicultura
      In this study, we evaluated the replacement of dietary protein sources like fishmeal (FM) and plant proteins (PP) by Brewer’s spent dry yeast (SDY) on the transcriptomic response (RNA-seq, NextSeq500 ...
    • Brown Macroalgae (Phaeophyceae): A Valuable Reservoir of Antimicrobial Compounds on Northern Coast of Spain 

      Rubiño Campoy, Susana; Peteiro, César; Aymerich, Teresa; Hortós, Maria (Marine Drugs, 2022-12-12) Funcionalitat i Seguretat Alimentària
      The search for new sources of antimicrobial compounds has become an urgent need, due to the threat that the spread of bacterial resistance represents for global health and food safety. Brown macroalgae ...
    • Brown rot on stone fruit: from epidemiology studies to the development of effective control strategies 

      Casals, Carla; Torres, Rosario; Teixidó, Neus; De Cal, Antonieta; Segarra, Joan; Usall, Josep (Scientia Horticulturae, 2022-04-23) Postcollita
      In the last years, our research has focused on the study of brown rot on stone fruit caused by Monilinia spp. in the ‘Valle del Ebro’ (Spain). The epidemiology of this disease was thoroughly investigated ...
    • BSE risk posed by ruminant collagen and gelatine derived from bones 

      EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ); Koutsoumanis, Konstantinos; Allende, Ana; Bolton, Declan; Bover-Cid, Sara; Chemaly, Marianne; De Cesare, Alessandra; Herman, Lieve; Hilbert, Friederike; Lindqvist, Roland; Nauta, Maarten; Nonno, Romolo; Peixe, Luisa; Ru, Giuseppe; Simmons, Marion; Skandamis, Panagiotis; Suffredini, Elisabetta; Adkin, Amie; Andreoletti, Olivier; Griffin, John; Lanfranchi, Barbara; Ortiz-Pelaez, Angel; Alvarez Ordonez, Avelino (EFSA Journal, 2024-07-16) Funcionalitat i Seguretat Alimentària
      The European Commission requested an estimation of the BSE risk (C-, L- and H-BSE) from gelatine and collagen derived from ovine, caprine or bovine bones, and produced in accordance with Regulation (EC) ...
    • Buona risposta fisiologica delle cultivar platicarpe alle alte temperature estive 

      Giorgi, V.; Crescenzi, S.; Reig, G.; Ferretti, G.; Neri, D. (Rivista di Frutticoltura e di Ortofloricoltura, 2023, 5, Giugno, 26-31, 2023-06) Fructicultura
      Negli ultimi anni le esigenze dei consumatori di frutta fresca stanno evolvendo e oltre alle ottime caratteristiche organolettiche vengono apprezzate anche le proprietà nutraceutiche dei frutti. Le ...
    • California perennial grasses are physiologically distinct from both Mediterranean annual and perennial grasses 

      Vaughn, Kurt J.; Biel, Carmen; Clary, Jeffrey J.; de Herralde, Felicidad; Aranda, Xavier; Evans, Richard Y.; Young, Truman P.; Savé, Robert (Plant and Soil, 2011-03-05) Fructicultura; Protecció Vegetal Sostenible
      In the Central Valley of California, native perennial grass species have been largely replaced by Eurasian annual species, while in many parts of the Mediterranean Basin native perennial grasses ...