Now showing items 505-524 of 3171

    • Ciguatoxin Detection in Flesh and Liver of Relevant Fish Species from the Canary Islands 

      Ramos-Sosa, María José; García-Álvarez, Natalia; Sanchez-Henao, Andres; Silva Sergent, Freddy; Padilla, Daniel; Estévez, Pablo; Caballero, María José; Martín-Barrasa, José Luís; Gago-Martínez, Ana; Diogène, Jorge; Real, Fernando (Toxins, 2022-01-09) Aigües Marines i Continentals
      The Canary Islands are a ciguatoxin (CTX) hotspot with an established official monitoring for the detection of CTX in fish flesh from the authorised points of first sale. Fish caught by recreational ...
    • Ciguatoxin occurrence in food-web components of a Cuban Coral Reef Ecosystem: Risk-assessment implications 

      Díaz-Asencio, Lisbet; Clausing, Rachel J.; Vandersea, Mark; Chamero-Lago, Donaida; Gómez-Bastida, Miguel; Hernández-Albernas, Joan I.; Chomérat, Nicolas; Rojas-Abrahantes, Gabriel; Litaker, R. Wayne; Tester, Patricia; Diogène, Jorge; Alonso-Hernández, Carlos M.; Dechraoui Bottein, Marie-Yasmine (Toxins, 2019-12-11) Aigües Marines i Continentals
      In Cuba, ciguatera poisoning associated with fish consumption is the most commonly occurring non-bacterial seafood-borne illness. Risk management through fish market regulation has existed in Cuba for ...
    • Ciguatoxin-like toxicity distribution in flesh of amberjack (Seriola spp.) and dusky grouper (Epinephelus marginatus) 

      Ramos-Sosa, María José; García-Álvarez, Natalia; Sanchez-Henao, Andres; Padilla, Daniel; Silva Sergent, Freddy; Gago-Martínez, Ana; Diogène, Jorge; Caballero, María José; Fernández, Antonio; Real, Fernando (Environmental Research, 2023-04-10) Aigües Marines i Continentals
      Ciguatoxins (CTXs) are marine neurotoxins that cause ciguatera poisoning (CP), mainly through the consumption of fish. The distribution of CTXs in fish is known to be unequal. Studies have shown that ...
    • Circovirosis porcina: vacunación para su control y prevención 

      Sagrera, Mònica; Sibila, Marina; Garza, Laura; Espigares, David; Segalés, Joaquim (Ganadería, 2023,146, Julio-Agosto, 38-43, 2023-07) Sanitat Animal
    • Circovirus porcino 2: ¿a quién y cuándo vacunar y cómo lo puedo monitorizar? 

      Sagrera, Mònica; Sibila, Marina; Garza, Laura; Espigares, David; Segalés, Joaquim (Suis, 2023, 203, Diciembre, 14-19, 2023-12) Sanitat Animal
      Circovirus porcino 2 (PCV-2) es uno de los patógenos más relevantes que afecta a los cerdos a nivel mundial, dando lugar a varias patologías que se pueden prevenir mediante el uso de vacunas. ...
    • Circovirus porcino 2: ¿a quién y cuándo vacunar y cómo lo puedo monitorizar? 

      Sagrera, Mònica; Sibila, Marina; Garza, Laura; Espigares, David; Segalés, Joaquim (Portal Veterinaria, 2023, Diciembre, ,, 2023-12-29) Sanitat Animal
      Circovirus porcino 2 (PCV-2) es uno de los patógenos más relevantes que afecta a los cerdos a nivel mundial, dando lugar a varias patologías que se pueden prevenir mediante el uso de vacunas. ...
    • Circulation of a Meaban-Like Virus in Yellow-Legged Gulls and Seabird Ticks in the Western Mediterranean Basin 

      Arnal, Audrey; Gómez-Díaz, Elena; Cerdà-Cuéllar, Marta; Lecollinet, Sylvie; Pearce-Duvet, Jessica; Busquets, Núria; García-Bocanegra, Ignacio; Pages, Nonito; Vittecoq, Marion; Hammouda, Abdessalem; Samraoui, Boudjéma; Garnier, Romain; Ramos, Raül; Selmi, Slaheddine; González-Solís, Jacob; Jourdain, Elsa; Boulinier, Thierry (PLoS ONE, 2014-03-13) Sanitat Animal
      In recent years, a number of zoonotic flaviviruses have emerged worldwide, and wild birds serve as their major reservoirs. Epidemiological surveys of bird populations at various geographical scales can ...
    • Citrus aurantium flavonoid extract improves concentrate efficiency, animal behavior, and reduces rumen inflammation of Holstein bulls fed high-concentrate diets 

      Paniagua, Montserrat; Crespo, Javier; Arís, Anna; Devant, Maria (Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2019-10-10) Producció de Remugants
      One hundred fourty-four bulls (164.8 ± 5.91 kg BW and 135 ± 7.2 d of age) were randomly allocated to one of 8 pens and assigned to control (C) or citrus flavonoid (BF) treatments (Citrus aurantium, ...
    • Citrus Flavonoids Supplementation as an Alternative to Replace Zinc Oxide in Weanling Pigs’ Diets Minimizing the Use of Antibiotics 

      Paniagua, Montserrat; Villagómez-Estrada, Sandra; Crespo, Francisco Javier; Pérez, José Francisco; Arís, Anna; Devant, Maria; Solà-Oriol, David (Animals, 2023-03-07) Producció de Remugants
      Since citrus flavonoids have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it was hypothesized that these compounds would become a suitable alternative to the use of therapeutic doses of zinc oxide at ...
    • Classement des carcasses pour la durabilité de la filière viande bovine et ovine. Partie II 

      Neveu, A.; Pethick, D.W.; Rombouts, T.; Nisbet, H.; Meister, M.; Marimuthu, J.; Wang, G.; Normand, J.; Anderson, F.; Corlett, M.; Chizzotti, M.L.; Kombolo-Ngah, M.; Drachmann, F.F; Mata, K.; Font i Furnols, Maria; Silva Rodrigues Mendes, N.; Cuthbertson, H.; Hocquette, J-F (Viandes & Produits Carnés, 2023, Novembre,, 2023-11-29) Qualitat i Tecnologia Alimentària
    • Classical BSE prions emerge from asymptomatic pigs challenged with atypical/Nor98 scrapie 

      Marín, Belén; Otero, Alicia; Lugan, Séverine; Espinosa, Juan Carlos; Marín-Moreno, Alba; Vidal, Enric; Hedman, Carlos; Romero, Antonio; Pumarola, Martí; Badiola, Juan J.; Torres, Juan María; Andréoletti, Olivier; Bolea, Rosa (Scientific Reports, 2021-08-31) Sanitat Animal
      Pigs are susceptible to infection with the classical bovine spongiform encephalopathy (C-BSE) agent following experimental inoculation, and PrPSc accumulation was detected in porcine tissues after the ...
    • Classical swine fever virus: the past, present and future 

      Ganges, Llilianne; Crooke, Helen R.; Bohórquez, Jose Alejandro; Postel, Alexander; Sakoda, Yoshihiro; Becher, Paul; Ruggli, Nicolas (Virus Research, 2020-09-06) Sanitat Animal
      Classical swine fever (CSF) is among the most relevant viral epizootic diseases of swine. Due to its severe economic impact, CSF is notifiable to the world organisation for animal health. Strict control ...
    • Classification of Different Irrigation Systems at Field Scale Using Time-Series of Remote Sensing Data 

      Paolini, Giovanni; Escorihuela, Maria Jose; Merlin, Olivier; Pamies-Sans, Magí; Bellvert, Joaquim (IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2022-11-17) Ús Eficient de l'Aigua en Agricultura
      Maps of irrigation systems are of critical value for a better understanding of the human impact on the water cycle, while they also present a very useful tool at the administrative level to monitor ...
    • Clearance and persistence of Escherichia coli in the freshwater mussel Unio mancus 

      Campos, M.; Lobato-Bailón, L.; Merciai, R.; Cabezón, O.; Torres-Blas, I.; Araujo, R.; Migura-Garcia, L. (Scientific Reports, 2022-07-20) Sanitat Animal
      The excessive use of antibiotics has led to the emergence of resistant bacteria, mainly from the Enterobacterales group, with high pathogenic/zoonotic potentials that can lead to problems in public ...
    • Climate impact and adaptation to heat and drought stress of regional and global wheat production 

      Pequeno, Diego N.L.; Hernández-Ochoa, Ixel M.; Reynolds, Matthew; Sonder, Kai; MoleroMilan, Anabel; Robertson, Richard D.; Lopes, Marta S.; Xiong, Wei; Kropff, Martin; Asseng, Senthold (Environmental Research Letters (ERL), 2021-05-12) Cultius Extensius Sostenibles
      Wheat (Triticum aestivum) is the most widely grown food crop in the world threatened by future climate change. In this study, we simulated climate change impacts and adaptation strategies for wheat ...
    • Climate service driven adaptation may alleviate the impacts of climate change in agriculture 

      Toreti, Andrea; Bassu, Simona; Asseng, Senthold; Zampieri, Matteo; Ceglar, Andrej; Royo, Conxita (Communications Biology, 2022-11-12) Cultius Extensius Sostenibles
      Building a resilient and sustainable agricultural sector requires the development and implementation of tailored climate change adaptation strategies. By focusing on durum wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. ...
    • Clinical characteristics and management of neurocysticercosis patients: a retrospective assessment of case reports from Europe 

      Stelzle, Dominik; Abraham, Annette; Kaminski, Miriam; Schmidt, Veronika; De Meijere, Robert; Bustos, Javier A; Garcia, Hector Hugo; Sahu, Priyadarshi Soumyaranjan; Bobić, Branko; Cretu, Carmen; Chiodini, Peter; Dermauw, Veronique; Devleesschauwer, Brecht; Dorny, Pierre; Fonseca, Ana; Gabriël, Sarah; Gómez Morales, Maria Ángeles; Laranjo-González, Minerva; Hoerauf, Achim; Hunter, Ewan; Jambou, Ronan; Jurhar-Pavlova, Maja; Reiter-Owona, Ingrid; Sotiraki, Smaragda; Trevisan, Chiara; Vilhena, Manuela; Walker, Naomi F; Zammarchi, Lorenzo; Winkler, Andrea Sylvia (Journal of Travel Medicine, 2022-10-12) Sanitat Animal
      Objectives: Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is a parasitic disease caused by the larval stage of the tapeworm Taenia solium. NCC mainly occurs in Africa, Latin America and South-East Asia and can cause a ...
    • Clinical course impacts early kinetics,magnitude, and amplitude of SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies beyond 1 year after infection 

      Pradenas, Edwards; Trinité, Benjamin; Urrea, Víctor; Marfil, Silvia; Tarrés-Freixas, Ferran; Ortiz, Raquel; Rovirosa, Carla; Rodon, Jordi; Vergara-Alert, Júlia; Segalés, Joaquim; Guallar, Victor; Valencia, Alfonso; Izquierdo-Useros, Nuria; Noguera-Julian, Marc; Carrillo, Jorge; Paredes, Roger; Mateu, Lourdes; Chamorro, Anna; Toledo, Ruth; Massanella, Marta; Clotet, Bonaventura; Blanco, Julià (Cell Reports Medicine, 2022-01-24) Sanitat Animal
      To understand the determinants of long-term immune responses to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and the concurrent impact of vaccination and emerging variants, we follow a ...
    • Clinical response to pandemic h1n1 influenza virus from a fatal and mild case in ferrets 

      Martínez-Orellana, Pamela; Martorell, Jaume; Vidaña, Beatriz; Majo, Natalia; Martínez, Jorge; Falcón, Ana; Rodríguez-Frandsen, Ariel; Casas, Inmaculada; Pozo, Francisco; Andón Mañero, Miquel; García-Barreno, Blanca; Melero, Jose A.; Fraile, Lorenzo; Nieto, Amelia; Montoya, Maria (Virology Journal, 2015-03-26) Sanitat Animal
      Background: The majority of pandemic 2009 H1N1 (A(H1N1)pdm09) influenza virus (IV) caused mild symptoms in most infected patients, however, a greater rate of severe disease was observed in healthy young ...