• Assessment of the control measures for category A diseases of Animal Health Law: Lumpy Skin Disease 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Alvarez, Julio; Bicout, Dominique Joseph; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar Schmidt, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Sihvonen, Liisa Helena; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; De Clercq, Kris; Gubbins, Simon; Klement, Eyal; Stegeman, Jan Arend; Antoniou, Sotiria-Eleni; Aznar, Inma; Broglia, Alessandro; Van der Stede, Yves; Zancanaro, Gabriele; Roberts, Helen Clare (EFSA Journal, 2022-01-24) Benestar Animal
      EFSA received a mandate from the EC to assess the effectiveness of some of the control measures against diseases included in the Category A list according to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 on transmissible ...
    • Assessment of the control measures of category A diseases of the Animal Health Law: Infection with rinderpest virus (Rinderpest) 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Alvarez, Julio; Bicout, Dominique Joseph; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; De Clercq, Kris; Gubbins, Simon; Libeau, Genevieve; Gervelmeyer, Andrea; Roberts, Helen Clare (EFSA Journal, 2022-01-25) Benestar Animal
      EFSA received a mandate from the European Commission to assess the effectiveness of control measures against diseases included in the Category A list according to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 on transmissible ...
    • Assessment of the control measures of the category A diseases of Animal Health Law: Burkholderia mallei (Glanders) 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Alvarez, Julio; Bicout, Dominique Joseph; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Schmidt, Christian Gortázar; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Gubbins, Simon; Laroucau, Karine; Antoniou, Sotiria-Eleni; Aznar, Inma; Broglia, Alessandro; Lima, Eliana; Van der Stede, Yves; Zancanaro, Gabriele; Roberts, Helen Clare (EFSA Journal, 2022-01-12) Benestar Animal
      EFSA received a mandate from the European Commission to assess the effectiveness of some of the control measures against diseases included in the Category A list according to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 ...
    • Assessment of the control measures of the category A diseases of Animal Health Law: Classical Swine Fever 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Alvarez, Julio; Bicout, Dominique Joseph; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar Schmidt, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Sihvonen, Liisa Helena; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Gubbins, Simon; Stegeman, Jan Arend; Antoniou, Sotiria-Eleni; Aznar, Inma; Broglia, Alessandro; Lima, Eliana; Van der Stede, Yves; Zancanaro, Gabriele; Roberts, Helen Clare (EFSA Journal, 2021-07-21) Benestar Animal
      EFSA received a mandate from the European Commission to assess the effectiveness of some of the control measures against diseases included in the Category A list according to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 ...
    • Assessment of the control measures of the category A diseases of Animal Health Law: Newcastle disease 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (EFSA AHAW Panel); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Alvarez, Julio; Bicout, Dominique Joseph; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar Schmidt, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Gubbins, Simon; Stegeman, Jan Arend; Antoniou, Sotiria-Eleni; Aznar, Inma; Broglia, Alessandro; Van der Stede, Yves; Zancanaro, Gabriele; Roberts, Helen Clare (EFSA Journal, 2021-12-02) Benestar Animal
      EFSA received a mandate from the European Commission to assess the effectiveness of some of the control measures against diseases included in the Category A list according to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 ...
    • Assessment of the control measures of the category A diseases of Animal Health Law: peste des petits ruminants 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Alvarez, Julio; Bicout, Dominique Joseph; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Depner, Klaus; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Roberts, Helen Clare; Sihvonen, Liisa Helena; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Gubbins, Simon; Libeau, Genevieve; Broglia, Alessandro; Aznar, Inma; Van der Stede, Yves (EFSA Journal, 2021-07-30) Benestar Animal
      EFSA received a mandate from the European Commission to assess the effectiveness of some of the control measures against diseases included in the Category A list according to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 ...
    • Assessment of the control measures of the category A diseases of Animal Health Law: Rift Valley Fever 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Alvarez, Julio; Bicout, Dominique Joseph; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Roberts, Helen Clare; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde Calvo, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Gubbins, Simon; Broglia, Alessandro; Aznar, Inma; Van der Stede, Yves (EFSA Journal, 2022-01-19) Benestar Animal
      EFSA received a mandate from the European Commission to assess the effectiveness of some of the control measures against diseases included in the Category A list according to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 ...
    • Assessment of the control measures of the category A diseases of Animal Health Law: sheep and goat pox 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Alvarez, Julio; Bicout, Dominique Joseph; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Sihvonen, Liisa Helena; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; De Clercq, Kris; Gubbins, Simon; Aznar, Inma; Broglia, Alessandro (EFSA Journal, 2021-12-27) Benestar Animal
      EFSA received a mandate from the European Commission to assess the effectiveness of some of the control measures against diseases included in the Category A list according to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 ...
    • Assessment of the control measures of the Category A diseases of the Animal Health Law: prohibitions in restricted zones and risk-mitigating treatments for products of animal origin and other materials 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (EFSA AHAW Panel); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Alvarez, Julio; Bicout, Dominique Joseph; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Luis; Gortázar Schmidt, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Ángel; Padalino, Barbara; Pasquali, Paolo; Stahl, Karl; Velarde Calvo, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; De Clercq, Kris; Sjunnesson, Ylva; Gervelmeyer, Andrea; Roberts, Helen Clare (EFSA Journal, 2022-08-09) Benestar Animal
      EFSA received a mandate from the European Commission to assess the effectiveness of prohibitions of certain activities in restricted zones, and of certain risk mitigation treatments for products of ...
    • Assessment of the economic performance of the seabream and seabass aquaculture industry in the European Union 

      Llorente, Ignacio; Fernández-Polanco, José; Baraibar-Diez, Elisa; Odriozola, María D.; Bjørndal, Trond; Asche, Frank; Guillen, Jordi; Avdelas, Lamprakis; Nielsen, Rasmus; Cozzolino, Maria; Luna, Manuel; Fernández-Sánchez, José L.; Luna, Ladislao; Aguilera, Cristóbal; Basurco, Bernardo (Marine Policy, 2020-02-12) Aqüicultura
      Production of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) and European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is the second most important aquaculture industry in the European Union in value terms. During the last 10 ...
    • Assessment of the in vitro growing dynamics and kinetics of the non-pathogenic J and pathogenic 11 and 232 Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae strains 

      Garcia-Morante, Beatriz; Dors, Arkadius; León-Kempis, Rocio; Pérez de Rozas, Ana; Segalés, Joaquim; Sibila, Marina (Veterinary Research, 2018-05-25) Sanitat Animal
      Information on the in vitro growth of pathogenic and non-pathogenic Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M. hyopneumoniae) strains is scarce and controversial. Despite its limitations, the colour changing units ...
    • Assessment of three commercial ELISAs for the detection of antibodies against Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus at different stages of the immune response 

      Díaz, I.; Pujols, J.; Cano, E.; Cuadrado, R.; Navarro, N.; Mateu, E.; Martín, M. (Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 2021-02-12) Sanitat Animal
      Three commercial ELISAs -two based on spike (E1 and E3) and one on nucleocapsid protein (E2)-were used to analyze the development and persistence of antibodies against Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus ...
    • Assessment of unconsciousness in pigs during exposure to nitrogen and carbon dioxide mixtures 

      Llonch, P.; Rodríguez, P.; Jospin, M.; Dalmau, A.; Manteca, X.; Velarde, A. (Animal, 2012-10-26) Benestar Animal
      The aim of this study was to assess unconsciousness in pigs during and after the exposure to gas mixtures of 70% nitrogen (N2) and 30% carbon dioxide (CO2) (70N30C), 80% N2 and 20% CO2 (80N20C) and 85% ...
    • Assessment on the efficacy of methods 2 to 5 and method 7 set out in Commission Regulation (EU) No 142/2011 to inactivate relevant pathogens when producing processed animal protein of porcine origin intended to feed poultry and aquaculture animals 

      EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ); Koutsoumanis, Konstantinos; Allende, Ana; Alvarez Ordoñez, Avelino; Bolton, Declan; Bover-Cid, Sara; Chemaly, Marianne; Herman, Lieve; Hilbert, Friederike; Lindqvist, Roland; Nauta, Maarten; Nonno, Romolo; Peixe, Luisa; Skandamis, Panagiotis; Suffredini, Elisabetta; Fernandez Escamez, Pablo; Gonzales-Barron, Ursula; Roberts, Helen; Ru, Giuseppe; Simmons, Marion; Barcia Cruz, Ruben; Martins, Joana Lourenço; Messens, Winy; Ortiz-Pelaez, Angel; Simon, Ancuta Cezara; De Cesare, Alessandra (EFSA Journal, 2023-07-05) Funcionalitat i Seguretat Alimentària
      An assessment was conducted on the level of inactivation of relevant pathogens that could be present in processed animal protein of porcine origin intended to feed poultry and aquaculture animals when ...
    • Assimilation of Sentinel-2 Biophysical Variables into a Digital Twin for the Automated Irrigation Scheduling of a Vineyard 

      Bellvert, Joaquim; Pelechá, Ana; Pàmies-Sans, Magí; Virgili, Jordi; Torres, Mireia; Casadesús, Jaume (Water, 2023-07-08) Ús Eficient de l'Aigua en Agricultura
      Decision support systems (DSS) are needed to carry out precision irrigation. Key issues in this regard include how to deal with spatial variability and the adoption of deficit irrigation strategies at ...
    • ASSIsT: an automatic SNP scoring tool for in- and outbreeding species 

      Di Guardo, Mario; Micheletti, Diego; Bianco, Luca; Koehorst-van Putten, Herma J. J.; Longhi, Sara; Costa, Fabrizio; Aranzana, Maria Jose; Velasco, Riccardo; Arús, Pere; Troggio, Michela; van de Weg, Eric W. (Bioinformatics, 2015-08-06) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      ASSIsT (Automatic SNP ScorIng Tool) is a user-friendly customized pipeline for efficient calling and filtering of SNPs from Illumina Infinium arrays, specifically devised for custom genotyping arrays. ...
    • Association between teat skin colonization and intramammary infection with Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae in herds with automatic milking systems 

      Svennesen, Line; Nielsen, Søren S.; Mahmmod, Yasser S.; Krömker, Volker; Pedersen, Karl; Klaas, Ilka C. (Journal of Dairy Science, 2018-11-08) Sanitat Animal
      The objective of this study was to investigate the association between teat skin colonization and intramammary infection (IMI) with Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus agalactiae at the quarter level ...
    • Association between the pig genome and its gut microbiota composition 

      Crespo-Piazuelo, Daniel; Migura-Garcia, Lourdes; Estellé, Jordi; Criado-Mesas, Lourdes; Revilla, Manuel; Castelló, Anna; Muñoz, María; García-Casco, Juan M.; Fernández, Ana I.; Ballester, Maria; Folch, Josep M. (Scientific Reports, 2019-06-19) Genètica i Millora Animal; Sanitat Animal
      The gut microbiota has been evolving with its host along the time creating a symbiotic relationship. In this study, we assess the role of the host genome in the modulation of the microbiota composition ...
    • Attention sports fans! The far-reaching contributions of bud sport mutants to horticulture and plant biology 

      Foster, Toshi M.; Aranzana, María José (Horticulture Research, 2018-07-15) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      A bud sport is a lateral shoot, inflorescence or single flower/fruit with a visibly different phenotype from the rest of the plant. The new phenotype is often caused by a stable somatic mutation in a ...
    • Attitudes and beliefs of Eastern European consumers towards animal welfare 

      Tomasevic, Igor; Bahelka, Ivan; Cítek, Jaroslav; Candek-Potokar, Marjeta; Djekic, Ilija; Getya, Andriy; Guerrero, Luis; Ivanova, Sonya; Kušec, Goran; Nakov, Dimitar; Sołowiej, Bartosz; Stoica, Maricica; Szabó, Csaba; Tudoreanu, Liliana; Weiler, Ulrike; Font-i-Furnols, Maria (Animals, 2020-07-17) Qualitat i Tecnologia Alimentària
      The aim of this exploratory work, because of the existing bias on the size of the sample and some of the sociodemographic characteristics of the participants, was to investigate the Eastern European ...