Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Towards the PCR-based identification of Palaearctic Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae): results from an international ring trial targeting four species of the subgenus Avaritia 

      Garros, Claire; Balenghien, Thomas; Carpenter, Simon; Delécolle, Jean-Claude; Meiswinkel, Rudy; Pédarrieu, Aurélie; Rakotoarivony, Ignace; Gardès, Laetitia; Golding, Nick; Barber, James; Miranda, Miguel; Borràs Borràs, David; Goffredo, Maria; Monaco, Federica; Pages, Nonito; Sghaier, Soufien; Hammami, Salah; Calvo, Jorge H; Lucientes, Javier; Geysen, Dirk; De Deken, Gill; Sarto i Monteys, Victor; Schwenkenbecher, Jan; Kampen, Helge; Hoffmann, Bernd; Lehmann, Kathrin; Werner, Doreen; Baldet, Thierry; Lancelot, Renaud; Cêtre-Sossah, Catherine (Parasites and Vectors, 2014-05-14) Sanitat Animal
      Background: Biting midges of the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) are biological vectors of internationally important arboviruses. To understand the role of Culicoides in the transmission ...