Ara mostrant els elements 897-916 de 3180

    • Dynamics of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus in two wild ungulate hosts during a disease-induced population collapse 

      Carrera-Faja, Laura; Espunyes, Johan; Cardells, Jesús; Fernández Aguilar, Xavier; Pailler-García, Lola; Napp, Sebastian; Cabezón, Oscar (One Health, 2023-08-23) Sanitat Animal
      Identifying the role that host species play in pathogen transmission and maintenance is crucial for disease control, but it is a difficult task, in particular for vector-borne and multi-host pathogens, ...
    • Dynamics of Microbial Communities in Nitrite-Free and Nutritionally Improved Dry Fermented Sausages 

      Ferrer-Bustins, Núria; Martin, Belen; Llauger, Mar; Bou, Ricard; Bover-Cid, Sara; Jofré, Anna (Fermentation, 2023-04-21) Funcionalitat i Seguretat Alimentària
      Dry fermented sausage innovation trends are linked to consumer preferences for clean label and sodium-reduced foods. This study aims to evaluate the effect of the formulation and production process ...
    • Dynamics of the Pacific Oyster Pathobiota during mortality episodes in Europe assessed by 16S rRNA gene profiling and a new target enrichment next‐generation sequencing strategy 

      Lasa, Aide; di Cesare, Andrea; Tassistro, Giovanni; Borello, Alessio; Gualdi, Stefano; Furones, Dolors; Carrasco, Noelia; Cheslett, Deborah; Brechon, Amanda; Paillard, Christine; Bidault, Adeline; Pernet, Fabrice; Canesi, Laura; Edomi, Paolo; Pallavicini, Alberto; Pruzzo, Carla; Vezzulli, Luigi (Environmental Microbiology, 2019-07-20) Aqüicultura
      Infectious agents such as the bacteria Vibrio aestuarianus or Ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV‐1) have been repeatedly associated with dramatic disease outbreaks of Crassostrea gigas beds in Europe. Beside ...
    • (E)-Anethole microspheres as an alternative insecticide in funnel traps 

      Pascual-Villalobos, M.J.; Castañé, C.; Martín, F.; López, M.D.; Guirao, P.; Riudavets, J. (Journal of Stored Products Research, 2021-08-07) Protecció Vegetal Sostenible
      Pyrethroids are the insecticides most commonly used inside traps, and the lack of alternatives poses the risk of pests developing resistance. In this paper we present two (E)-anethole formulations (spray ...
    • Early and Solid Protection Afforded by the Thiverval Vaccine Provides Novel Vaccination Alternatives Against Classical Swine Fever Virus 

      Lamothe-Reyes, Yaneysis; Bohórquez, José Alejandro; Wang, Miaomiao; Alberch, Mònica; Pérez-Simó, Marta; Ganges, Llilianne; Rosell, Rosa; Ganges, Llilianne (Vaccines, 2021-05-06) Sanitat Animal
      Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) remains a challenge for the porcine industry. Inefficient vaccination programs in some endemic areas may have contributed to the emergence of low and moderate virulence ...
    • Early life stages of the invasive Atlantic blue crab Callinectes sapidus in the Western Mediterranean Sea 

      Gil-Fernández, A.; Rodilla, M.; Prado, P.; Falco, S. (Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2023-12-11) Aigües Marines i Continentals
      The early life cycle of the Atlantic blue crab Callinectes sapidus includes seven zoeal stages that develop in coastal waters, and a later megalopal stage that colonizes estuaries. Although these stages ...
    • Early socialization and environmental enrichment of lactating piglets affects the caecal microbiota and metabolomic response after weaning 

      Saladrigas‑García, M.; D’Angelo, M.; Ko, H.L.; Traserra, S.; Nolis, P.; Ramayo-Caldas, Y.; Folch, J.M.; Vergara, P.; Llonch, P.; Pérez, J.F.; Martín-Orúe, S.M. (Scientific Reports, 2021-03-17) Genètica i Millora Animal
      The aim of this study was to determine the possible impact of early socialization and an enriched neonatal environment to improve adaptation of piglets to weaning. We hypothesized that changes in the ...
    • Earwig Releases Provide Accumulative Biological Control of the Woolly Apple Aphid over the Years 

      Alins, Georgina; Lordan, Jaume; Rodríguez-Gasol, Neus; Arnó, Judit; Peñalver-Cruz, Ainara (Insects, 2023-11-18) Fructicultura; Protecció Vegetal Sostenible
      Nature-based solutions, such as biological control, can strongly contribute to reducing the use of plant protection products. In our study, we assessed the effect of augmentative releases of the ...
    • Echinococcus multilocularis infection in animals 

      Butterworth, Andrew; Botner, Anette; Velarde, Antonio; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gortazar Schmidt, Christian; Winckler, Christoph; Bicout, Dominique; Thulke, Hans H.; Spoolder, Hans; Stegeman, Jan Arend; Depner, Klaus; Sihvonen, Lisa; Good, Margaret; Miranda, Miguel Angel; Raj, Mohan; Calistri, Paolo; Willeberg, Preben; Edwards, Sandra; More, Simon; Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Michel, Virginie (EFSA Journal, 2015-12-22) Benestar Animal
      The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) was required to support the European Commission in preparing the review of Regulation (EU) No 1152/2011. In Europe, red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is the main definitive ...
    • ECO-Q-SÒL: Qualitat del sòl amb l'aplicació de fems en una rotació ecològica de cultius extensius per a gra 

      Domingo Olivé, Francesc; González Llinàs, Elena; Solé Boronat, Pau; Olarieta, J. R.; Bosch, A.; Antúnez, M.; Perramon, B.; Pujol, X. (Fitxa Tècnica PAE, 2024, 48, ,, 2024) Cultius Extensius Sostenibles
      En el projecte ECO-Q-SÒL s’ha mesurat la bio-disponibilitat de fòsfor (P), l'activitat microbiana i la mineralització de la matèria orgànica (MO) en sòls agrícoles dedicats als cultius extensius per a ...
    • Ecodesign of new circular economy scheme for Brewer's side streams 

      Iñarra, B.; San Martin, D.; Ramos, S.; Cidad, M.; Estévez, A.; Fenollosa, R.; Martinez, J.M.; Ferdinando, A.; De Smet, A.M.; Zufía, J. (Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 2022-05-25) Aqüicultura
      When designing a new circular economy system, many aspects must be considered in order to benefit from all possible environmental improvements. The selection of the right market or use of the resulting ...
    • Ecohydraulics of river flow alterations and impacts on freshwater fish 

      Boavida, Isabel; Díaz-Redondo, Maria; Fuentes-Pérez, Juan F.; Hayes, Daniel S.; Jesus, Joaquim; Moreira, Miguel; Belmar, Oscar; Vila-Martínez, Núria; Palau-Nadal, Antoni; Costa, Maria João (Limnetica, 2020-01-22) Aigües Marines i Continentals
      Ecohydraulics of river flow alterations and impacts on freshwater fish The flow regime is a determinant of the ecological function and natural dynamics of a river system with a prominent effect on ...
    • Ecohydrological turnover in overstocked Aleppo pine plantations: Does the effect of thinning, in relation to water, persist at the mid-term? 

      Molina, Antonio J.; González-Sanchis, María; Biel, Carme; del Campo, Antonio D. (Forest Ecology and Management, 2020-11-18) Protecció Vegetal Sostenible
      In Mediterranean pine plantations forest dieback and tree mortality are not only related to increased drought, but also to a lack of management, which intensifies inter-tree competition for available ...
    • Ecological and evolutionary drivers of phenotypic and genetic variation in the European crabapple [Malus sylvestris (L.) Mill.], a wild relative of the cultivated apple 

      Chen, X.; Avia, K.; Forler, A.; Remoué, C.; Venon, A.; Rousselet, A.; Lucas, G.; Kwarteng, A.O.; Rover, R.; Le Guilloux, M.; Belcram, H.; Combes, V.; Corti, H.; Olverà-Vazquelz, S.; Falque, M.; Alins, G.; Kirisits, T.; Ursu, T.M.; Roman, A.; Volk, G.M.; Bazot, S.; Cornille, A. (Annals of Botany, 2023-05-06) Fructicultura
      Background and Aims Studying the relationship between phenotypic and genetic variation in populations distributed across environmental gradients can help us to understand the ecological and evolutionary ...
    • Ecological Factors Driving Avian Influenza Virus Dynamics in Spanish Wetland Ecosystems 

      Pérez-Ramírez, Elisa; Acevedo, Pelayo; Allepuz, Alberto; Gerrikagoitia, Xeider; Alba, Ana; Busquets, Núria; Díaz-Sánchez, Sandra; Álvarez, Vega; Abad, Francesc Xavier; Barral, Marta; Majó, Natàlia; Höfle, Ursula (PLoS ONE, 2012-11-12) Sanitat Animal
      Studies exploring the ecological interactions between avian influenza viruses (AIV), natural hosts and the environment are scarce. Most work has focused on viral survival and transmission under laboratory ...
    • Economic assessment of investment in automatic feeding systems for sea bass grow-out farms of different sizes 

      Fernández Sánchez, José L.; Basurco, Bernardo; Aguilera, Cristobal (Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 2023-04-27) Aqüicultura
      The aim of this work was to run an economic assessment of investment in automatic feeding systems for grow-out farms of different sizes producing European sea bass in the Mediterranean Sea. For this, ...
    • Economic impact of bovine cysticercosis and taeniosis caused by Taenia saginata in Belgium 

      Jansen, Famke; Dorny, Pierre; Trevisan, Chiara; Dermauw, Veronique; Laranjo-González, Minerva; Allepuz, Alberto; Dupuy, Céline; Krit, Meryam; Gabriël, Sarah; Devleesschauwer, Brecht (Parasites & Vectors, 2018-04-13) Sanitat Animal
      Background: Bovine cysticercosis (BCC) (due to Taenia saginata) is often claimed to cause considerable economic losses to the livestock industry, particularly in beef cattle, but recent studies estimating ...
    • Economic profitability of agroforestry in nitrate vulnerable zones in Catalonia (NE Spain) 

      Blanc, Simone; Gasol, Carmes M.; Martínez-Blanco, Julia; Muñoz, Pere; Coello, Jaime; Casals, Pere; Mosso, Angela; Brun, Filippo (Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 2019-02-04) Fructicultura
      The impact of agricultural practices and the excess application of nitrogen can negatively impact the environment and cause human health problems. In Spain, the liquid manure applied in areas of intensive ...
    • Ecosystem-level effects of re-oligotrophication and N:P imbalances in rivers and estuaries on a global scale 

      Ibáñez, Carles; Caiola, Nuno; Barquín, José; Belmar, Oscar; Benito-Granell, Xavier; Casals, Frederic; Fennessy, Siobhan; Hughes, Joselyne; Palmer, Margaret; Peñuelas, Josep; Romero, Estela; Sardans, Jordi; Williams, Michael (Global Change Biology, 2022-11-11) Aigües Marines i Continentals
      Trends and ecological consequences of phosphorus (P) decline and increasing nitrogen (N) to phosphorus (N:P) ratios in rivers and estuaries are reviewed and discussed. Results suggest that re-oligotrophication ...
    • Editorial: Animal welfare, Volume I: Animal welfare in aquaculture - Physiological basis and recent findings 

      Herrera, M.; Costas, B.; Gisbert, Enric (Frontiers in Physiology, 2022-11-25) Aqüicultura
      Since animal welfare is a multidisciplinary scientific discipline, the papers published in this special issue are based on diverse subjects, such as feeding and nutrition, behavior, immunology, reproduction, ...