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dc.contributor.authorBoukid, Fatma
dc.contributor.otherIndústries Alimentàriesca
dc.identifier.citationBoukid, Fatma. 2021. "Oat Proteins As Emerging Ingredients For Food Formulation: Where We Stand?". European Food Research And Technology 247 (3): 535-544. doi:10.1007/
dc.description.abstractOver the last decades, interest in oats (Avena sativa L.) as healthy foods increased due to their multiple functional and bioactive components such as dietary fibers, polyphenols, and proteins. Protein extracted from oats received considerable attention being more abundant (12–20%) and having a distinct composition compared to other cereal grains. Oat proteins also present pleasant sensorial attributes compared to proteins deriving from legumes and oil seeds. Protein isolates or concentrates can be dry- or wet- extracted, and subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis can release peptides with bioactive properties. Several strategies have been successfully applied to improve the techno-functionality of oat proteins. In terms of food application, there are few oat protein-based food products available in the market, which urge food developers to build tailored strategies and food portfolios of these ingredients. This review will address oat proteins extraction technologies and pre/post-treatment strategies, main characteristics, and applications. Future research is still required to take advantage of breeding progress to select high grain-protein oat varieties and to boost the incorporation of oat proteins in foods while keeping in mind the cost and the environmental
dc.relation.ispartofEuropean Food Research and Technologyca
dc.rightsCopyright © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH, DE part of Springer Natureca
dc.titleOat proteins as emerging ingredients for food formulation: where we stand?ca
dc.contributor.groupFuncionalitat i Seguretat Alimentàriaca

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