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dc.contributor.authorGinés, Iris
dc.contributor.authorGaiani, Greta
dc.contributor.authorRuhela, Ankur
dc.contributor.authorSkouridou, Vasso
dc.contributor.authorCampàs, Mònica
dc.contributor.authorMasip, Lluis
dc.contributor.otherProducció Animalca
dc.identifier.citationGinés, Iris, Greta Gaiani, Ankur Ruhela, Vasso Skouridou, Mònica Campàs, and Lluis Masip. 2021. "Nucleic Acid Lateral Flow Dipstick Assay For The Duplex Detection Of Gambierdiscus australes and Gambierdiscus excentricus". Harmful Algae 110: 102135. doi:10.1016/
dc.description.abstractThe proliferation of harmful microalgae endangers aquatic ecosystems and can have serious economic implications on a global level. Harmful microalgae and their associated toxins also pose a threat to human health since they can cause seafood-borne diseases such as ciguatera. Implementation of DNA-based molecular methods together with appropriate detection strategies in monitoring programs can support the efforts for effective prevention of potential outbreaks. A PCR-lateral flow assay (PCR-LFA) in dipstick format was developed in this work for the detection of two Gambierdiscus species, G. australes and G. excentricus, which are known to produce highly potent neurotoxins known as ciguatoxins and have been associated with ciguatera outbreaks. Duplex PCR amplification of genomic DNA from strains of these species utilizing species-specific ssDNA tailed primers and a common primer containing the binding sequence of scCro DNA binding protein resulted in the generation of hybrid ssDNA-dsDNA amplicons. These were captured on the dipsticks via hybridization with complementary probes and detected with a scCro/carbon nanoparticle (scCro/CNPs) conjugate. The two different test zones on the dipsticks allowed the discrimination of the two species and the assay exhibited high sensitivity, 6.3 pg/μL of genomic DNA from both G. australes and G. excentricus. The specificity of the approach was also demonstrated using genomic DNA from non-target Gambierdiscus species and other microalgae genera which did not produce any signals. The possibility to use cells directly for amplification instead of purified genomic DNA suggested the compatibility of the approach with field sample testing. Future work is required to further explore the potential use of the strategy for on-site analysis and its applicability to other toxic
dc.relation.ispartofHarmful Algaeca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalca
dc.titleNucleic acid lateral flow dipstick assay for the duplex detection of Gambierdiscus australes and Gambierdiscus excentricusca
dc.relation.projectIDMINECO-FEDER-AEI/Programa Estatal de I+D+I orientada a los retos de la sociedad/BIO2017-87946-C2-1-R/ES/Dispositivos bioanalíticos para la detección rápida y rentable de gambierdiscus y ciguatoxinas/CIGUASENSINGca
dc.relation.projectIDMINECO-FEDER-AEI/Programa Estatal de I+D+I orientada a los retos de la sociedad/BIO2017-87946-C2-2-R/ES/Dispositivos bioanalíticos para la detección rápida y rentable de gambierdiscus y ciguatoxinas/CIGUASENSINGca
dc.contributor.groupAigües Marines i Continentalsca

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