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dc.contributor.authorRamos-Júdez, S.
dc.contributor.authorDuncan, N.
dc.contributor.otherProducció Animalca
dc.identifier.citationRamos-Júdez, S., and N. Duncan. 2022. "Feeding Habits And The Influence Of Pellet Diameter On The Feeding Responses Of The Flathead Grey Mullet (Mugil Cephalus) In Captivity". Animal Feed Science And Technology, 115368. doi:10.1016/
dc.description.abstractThe feeding habits and effect of the diameter of pelleted feeds on the feeding responses of wild juvenile and adult flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) in captivity were examined. Optimal pellet size for feeding was defined according to the behavioural responses and ingestion of pellets with different diameters (2, 4, 6, 8 mm) that were dropped into the tank in a random sequence. Larger pellets (6 and 8 mm) were more attractive (lower reaction time, high percentage of capture), but the small to medium-sized pellets (2 and 4 mm) were consumed the most. The optimal size was the 2- and 4-mm pellet diameter for juvenile individuals (365.50 ± 36.90 g; 28.8 ± 0.84 cm) and the 4-mm diameter pellet for adults (937.49 ± 146.54 g; 40 ± 1.12 cm). The preferred feeding area of adult mullet was also studied to estimate preference in relation to pellet characteristics such as floating or sink. Two pellet types, floating or sinking, were offered simultaneously in the water column: at the surface, mid-water column and bottom of the tank. The flathead grey mullet had a preference to feed in the mid-water column and the bottom of the tanks indicating that sinking or slow-sinking pellets would be the optimal feed type in relation to mullet feeding
dc.relation.ispartofAnimal Feed Science and Technologyca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalca
dc.titleFeeding habits and the influence of pellet diameter on the feeding responses of the flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) in captivityca
dc.relation.projectIDINIA-FEDER/Programa Estatal de I+D+I orientada a los retos de la sociedad/RTA2014-00048-00-00/ES/Gestión de reproductores basada en su comportamiento para aumentar la producción de gametos y el éxito reproductivo en el lenguado senegalés (Solea senegalensis) cultivado (F1) y salvaje/ca
dc.relation.projectIDMICIU/Programa Estatal de I+D+I orientada a los retos de la sociedad/RTI2018-094710-R-I00/ES/CERRANDO CIRCULOS BIOLOGICOS Y ECONOMICOS PARA EL PARDETE (MUGIL CEPHALUS)/ca
dc.relation.projectIDEC/FP7/603121/EU/Exploring the biological and socio-economic potential of new-emerging candidate fish species for the expansion of the European aquaculture industry/DIVERSIFYca

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