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dc.contributor.authorJofre-Cekalovic, Christian
dc.contributor.authorNieto, Héctor
dc.contributor.authorGirona, Joan
dc.contributor.authorPamies-Sans, Magí
dc.contributor.authorBellvert, Joaquim
dc.contributor.otherProducció Vegetalca
dc.identifier.citationJofre-Čekalović, Christian, Héctor Nieto, Joan Girona, Magi Pamies-Sans, and Joaquim Bellvert. 2022. "Accounting For Almond Crop Water Use Under Different Irrigation Regimes With A Two-Source Energy Balance Model And Copernicus-Based Inputs". Remote Sensing 14 (9): 2106. doi:10.3390/
dc.description.abstractAccounting for water use in agricultural fields is of vital importance for the future prospects for enhancing water use efficiency. Remote sensing techniques, based on modelling surface energy fluxes, such as the two-source energy balance (TSEB), were used to estimate actual evapotranspiration (ETa) on the basis of shortwave and thermal data. The lack of high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite thermal infrared (TIR) missions has led to new approaches to obtain higher spatial resolution images with a high revisit time. These new approaches take advantage of the high spatial resolution of Sentinel-2 (10–20 m), and the high revisit time of Sentinel-3 (daily). The use of the TSEB model with sharpened temperature (TSEBS2+S3) has recently been applied and validated in several study sites. However, none of these studies has applied it in heterogeneous row crops under different water status conditions within the same orchard. This study assessed the TSEBS2+S3 modelling approach to account for almond crop water use under four different irrigation regimes and over four consecutive growing seasons (2017–2020). The energy fluxes were validated with an eddy covariance system and also compared with a soil water balance model. The former reported errors of 90 W/m2 and 87 W/m2 for the sensible (H) and latent heat flux (LE), respectively. The comparison of ETa with the soil water balance model showed a root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) ranging from 0.6 to 2.5 mm/day. Differences in cumulative ETa between the irrigation treatments were estimated, with maximum differences obtained in 2019 of 20% to 13% less in the most water-limited treatment compared to the most well-watered one. Therefore, this study demonstrates the feasibility of using the TSEBS2+S3 for monitoring ETa in almond trees under different water
dc.relation.ispartofRemote Sensingca
dc.titleAccounting for Almond Crop Water Use under Different Irrigation Regimes with a Two-Source Energy Balance Model and Copernicus-Based Inputsca
dc.relation.projectIDMICIU/Programa Estatal de I+D+I orientada a los retos de la sociedad/PCI2019-103649/ES/Managing water resources within Mediterranean agrosystems by accounting for spatial structures and connectivities/ALTOSca
dc.relation.projectIDMICIU-FEDER/Programa Estatal de I+D+I orientada a los retos de la sociedad/RTI2018-099949-R-C21/ES/Gestión y control automatizado del riego a partir de la integración de múltiples fuentes de datos en cultivos hortofrutícolas/ca
dc.contributor.groupÚs Eficient de l'Aigua en Agriculturaca

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