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dc.contributor.authorGava, Oriana
dc.contributor.authorAntón, Assumpció
dc.contributor.authorCarmassi, Giulia
dc.contributor.authorPardossi, Alberto
dc.contributor.authorIncrocci, Luca
dc.contributor.authorBartolini, Fabio
dc.contributor.otherProducció Animalca
dc.identifier.citationGava, Oriana, Assumpció Antón, Giulia Carmassi, Alberto Pardossi, Luca Incrocci, and Fabio Bartolini. 2023. "Reusing Drainage Water And Substrate To Improve The Environmental And Economic Performance Of Mediterranean Greenhouse Cropping". Journal Of Cleaner Production 413: 137510. doi:10.1016/
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study is to provide decision makers and policy makers with adequate information to support the diffusion of reuse strategies in Mediterranean greenhouses. Sixteen alternative scenarios are compared through eco-efficiency analysis, combining four technologies to manage drainage water (open-loop fertigation vs. wastewater treatment plant vs. cascade cropping vs. closed-loop fertigation) with two substrate materials and two substrate management options at end-of-life. System differences are modelled through detailed primary data, collected and validated via a multi-step process. Results show that cascade cropping and closed-loop fertigation have, respectively, the highest and second-highest eco-efficiency, with respect to their ability to reduce freshwater eutrophication (up to −6,63 kg P) and marine eutrophication (up to −47.1 kg P eq), while generating profits for the farmer. Selecting a biodegradable substrate and reusing it on farm can increase greenhouse profitability by 20%. This article is a new contribution to the literature by (i) supporting the improvement and harmonisation of eco-efficiency analysis in the agricultural sector; (ii) providing a comprehensive comparative assessment that is missing from the published literature; (iii) giving special emphasis to data and the data collection process, to provide input to further research; (iv) by generating lessons learnt of practical usefulness for reducing uncertainty in decision making and policy making; (v) by delivering policy recommendations to address key barriers to the diffusion of eco-efficient greenhouse cropping. The involvement of local and multidisciplinary stakeholders is required to improve the methodological approach and the acceptability of the proposed solution, especially in case of trade-offs among the different impact domains, and to identify and prioritise tailored interventions on the conditions and stakeholder
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was supported by the University of Pisa, project SALI (Strumenti di sostenibilità delle 952 produzioni alimentari, Sustainability tools for food production) code PRA_2017_34.
dc.relation.ispartofJournal of Cleaner Productionca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalca
dc.titleReusing drainage water and substrate to improve the environmental and economic performance of Mediterranean greenhouse croppingca
dc.embargo.terms24 mesosca
dc.contributor.groupSostenibilitat en Biosistemesca

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