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dc.contributor.authorFernández-Martínez, M.
dc.contributor.authorBarquín, J.
dc.contributor.authorBonada, N.
dc.contributor.authorCantonati, M.
dc.contributor.authorChurro, C.
dc.contributor.authorCorbera, J.
dc.contributor.authorDelgado, C.
dc.contributor.authorDulsat-Masvidal, M.
dc.contributor.authorGarcia, G.
dc.contributor.authorMargalef, O.
dc.contributor.authorPascual, R.
dc.contributor.authorPeñuelas, J.
dc.contributor.authorPreece, C.
dc.contributor.authorSabater, F.
dc.contributor.authorSeiler, H.
dc.contributor.authorZamora-Marín, J. M.
dc.contributor.authorRomero, E.
dc.contributor.otherProducció Animalca
dc.identifier.citationFernández‐Martínez, M., J. Barquín, N. Bonada, M. Cantonati, C. Churro, J. Corbera, C. Delgado, et al. 2023. "Mediterranean springs: Keystone ecosystems and biodiversity refugia threatened by global change" Global Change Biology 30(1):1-22. doi:10.1111/
dc.description.abstractMediterranean spring ecosystems are unique habitats at the interface between surface water and groundwater. These ecosystems support a remarkable array of biodiversity and provide important ecological functions and ecosystem services. Spring ecosystems are influenced by abiotic, biotic, and anthropogenic factors such as the lithology of their draining aquifers, their climate, and the land use of their recharge area, all of which affect the water chemistry of the aquifer and the spring discharges. One of the most relevant characteristics of spring ecosystems is the temporal stability of environmental conditions, including physicochemical features of the spring water, across seasons and years. This stability allows a wide range of species to benefit from these ecosystems (particularly during dry periods), fostering an unusually high number of endemic species. However, global change poses important threats to these freshwater ecosystems. Changes in temperature, evapotranspiration, and precipitation patterns can alter the water balance and chemistry of spring water. Eutrophication due to agricultural practices and emergent pollutants, such as pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and pesticides, is also a growing concern for the preservation of spring biodiversity. Here, we provide a synthesis of the main characteristics and functioning of Mediterranean spring ecosystems. We then describe their ecological value and biodiversity patterns and highlight the main risks these ecosystems face. Moreover, we identify existing knowledge gaps to guide future research in order to fully uncover the hidden biodiversity within these habitats and understand the main drivers that govern them. Finally, we provide a brief summary of recommended actions that should be taken to effectively manage and preserve Mediterranean spring ecosystems for future generations. Even though studies on Mediterranean spring ecosystems are still scarce, our review shows there are sufficient data to conclude that their future viability as functional ecosystems is under severe
dc.description.sponsorshipThis review was written thanks to the funding provided by the CREAF's Severo Ochoa CEX2018-000828-S Synthesis actions program. This research was supported by the Catalan government project SGR2021-01333, the European Research Council project ERC-StG-2022-101076740 STOIKOS and the Spanish MCIN project KALORET (PID2021-128778OA-I00). M.F-M. was supported by a Ramón y Cajal fellowship (RYC2021-031511-I) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the NextGenerationEU program of the European Union, the Spanish plan of recovery, transformation and resilience, and the Spanish Research Agency. E.R. was supported by the Severo Ochoa Excellence Program (CEX2018-000828-S) of the Spanish Research Agency. J.M.Z-M. was supported by a postdoctoral grant funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the European Union NextGeneration EU/PRTR (FJC2021-046923-I). We acknowledge the Institució Catalana d'Història Natural (ICHN) and the Secció de Ciències Biològiques de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC) for additional funding for studying Mediterranean springs. We thank Jordi Gomis ( for providing publicly available climate data for the region of study. We finally thank the Direcció de Cultura, Ajuntament de Mataró for providing the venue to hold the workshop that promoted this review. We also thank Zeynep Ersoy, Ricardo Figueroa, Verónica Ferreira, Roderick J. Fensham (The Fellowship of the Spring), Manuel Graça, Vincent H. Resh, Boudjéma Samraoui, Farrah Samraoui, and Nikos Skoulikidis for providing invaluable information regarding cultural activities and traditions related to
dc.relation.ispartofGlobal Change Biologyca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalca
dc.titleMediterranean springs: Keystone ecosystems and biodiversity refugia threatened by global changeca
dc.relation.projectIDMICIU/Programa Estatal de generación del conocimiento y fortalecimiento científico y tecnológico del sistema I+D+I/CEX2018-000828-S/ES/ /ca
dc.relation.projectIDEC/ERC/101076740/EU/Elemental Ecology: towards an element-based functional ecology/STOIKOSca
dc.relation.projectIDMICINN/Programa Estatal para impulsar la investigación científico-técnica y su transferencia/PID2021-128778OA-I00/ES/Caracterización de los vínculos entre el ciclo del agua y los ciclos N-P-K en un mundo cada vez más cálido/KALORETca
dc.relation.projectIDMICINN/ /RYC2021-031511-I/ES/ /ca
dc.relation.projectIDMICINN/ /FJC2021-046923-I/ES/ /ca
dc.contributor.groupSostenibilitat en Biosistemesca

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