Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Exophiala atacamensis, sp. nov., and E. crusticola from the Atacama Desert, northern Chile 

      Madrid, Hugo; Gené, Josepa; Quijada, Luis; Cantillo, Taimy; Gacitúa, Rodrigo; Valdés, Jorge; Sánchez, Carolina; Prenafeta-Boldú, Francesc Xavier; Wijayawardene, Nalin; Silva, Víctor; Godoy, Patricio (Sydowia, 2023-02-07) Sostenibilitat en Biosistemes
      In the course of a taxonomic survey on hyphomycetes from the Atacama Desert, four strains of slow-growing, cycloheximide-tolerant dematiaceous fungi were obtained from soil samples. These isolates ...