Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • The Valorization of Spanish Minority Grapevine Varieties—The Volatile Profile of Their Wines as a Characterization Feature 

      Díaz-Fernández, Ángela; Cortés-Diéguez, Sandra; Muñoz-Organero, Gregorio; Cabello, Félix; Puertas, Belén; Puig-Pujol, Anna; Domingo, Carme; Valdés-Sánchez, M. Esperanza; Moreno Cardona, Daniel; Cibriain, José Félix; Dañobeitia-Artabe, Oier; Rubio-Cano, José-Antonio; Martínez-Gascueña, Jesús; Mena-Morales, Adela; Chirivella, Camilo; Usón, Jesús-Juan; Díaz-Losada, Emilia (Agronomy, 2024-05-13) Altres Activitats
      Despite the large number of existing varieties of Vitis vinifera L., only few occupy a large niche in today’s highly globalized wine market. The increasing consumer demand for diversified products, ...