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dc.contributor.authorDuarte Borges, Tâmara
dc.contributor.authorHuerta-Jimenez, Mariana
dc.contributor.authorCasal, Nicolau
dc.contributor.authorGonzalez, Joel
dc.contributor.authorPanella-Riera, Nuria
dc.contributor.authorDalmau, Antoni
dc.contributor.otherProducció Animalca
dc.contributor.otherIndústries Alimentàriesca
dc.identifier.citationBorges, Tâmara Duarte, Mariana Huerta-Jimenez, Nicolau Casal, Joel Gonzalez, Nuria Panella-Riera, and Antoni Dalmau. 2020. "To Provide A Double Feeder In Growing Pigs Housed Under High Environmental Temperatures Reduces Social Interactions But Does Not Improve Weight Gains". Animals 10 (12): 2248. doi:10.3390/
dc.description.abstractHeat stress and competition for food are two major challenges in pigs reared in intensive conditions. The aim of the present work was to study the e ect of providing a double feeder for pigs reared under two di erent environmental temperatures. In addition, two types of flooring, of 100% slat and 30% slat 70% concrete, were also considered. A total of 256 pigs in the growing-finishing period (from 27 kg to 110 kg) were housed using two environmental temperatures: control (from 18 C to 25 C) and heat stress (above 30 C six hours a day). They were housed in 32 pens of 8 pigs each, distributed into 4 rooms (16 with one feeder and 16 with two). Pigs subjected to temperatures above 30 C up to six hours had lower body weight gains than pigs subjected to a maximum temperature of 25 C, confirming that thermal stress negatively a ects performance in pigs. In addition, heat stress a ected the final product by decreasing the lean percentage of carcasses by 2.6%. A double feeder reduced the presence of negative social behavior, especially in the feeding area, but body weight was lower than when one single feeder was used. A 30% slat 70% concrete floor showed better results in the pig stress indicators and body weights than 100% slat. It is concluded that providing a double feeder in the pens, although reducing the presence of negative social interactions, negatively a ected body weight, in comparison to pigs fed with just one
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 Internationalca
dc.titleTo Provide a Double Feeder in Growing Pigs Housed under High Environmental Temperatures Reduces Social Interactions but Does Not Improve Weight Gainsca
dc.relation.projectIDINIA/Programa Estatal de I+D+I orientada a los retos de la Sociedad/RTA2013-00090-C02-01/ES/Estrategias alimentarias y de manejo para reducir los efectos del estrés térmico en caracteres productivos, de calidad de carne y de bienestar en el porcino criado en España/ca
dc.contributor.groupBenestar Animalca
dc.contributor.groupQualitat i Tecnologia Alimentàriaca

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