• Classical BSE prions emerge from asymptomatic pigs challenged with atypical/Nor98 scrapie 

      Marín, Belén; Otero, Alicia; Lugan, Séverine; Espinosa, Juan Carlos; Marín-Moreno, Alba; Vidal, Enric; Hedman, Carlos; Romero, Antonio; Pumarola, Martí; Badiola, Juan J.; Torres, Juan María; Andréoletti, Olivier; Bolea, Rosa (Scientific Reports, 2021-08-31) Sanitat Animal
      Pigs are susceptible to infection with the classical bovine spongiform encephalopathy (C-BSE) agent following experimental inoculation, and PrPSc accumulation was detected in porcine tissues after the ...
    • Classical swine fever virus: the past, present and future 

      Ganges, Llilianne; Crooke, Helen R.; Bohórquez, Jose Alejandro; Postel, Alexander; Sakoda, Yoshihiro; Becher, Paul; Ruggli, Nicolas (Virus Research, 2020-09-06) Sanitat Animal
      Classical swine fever (CSF) is among the most relevant viral epizootic diseases of swine. Due to its severe economic impact, CSF is notifiable to the world organisation for animal health. Strict control ...
    • Classification of Different Irrigation Systems at Field Scale Using Time-Series of Remote Sensing Data 

      Paolini, Giovanni; Escorihuela, Maria Jose; Merlin, Olivier; Pamies-Sans, Magí; Bellvert, Joaquim (IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2022-11-17) Ús Eficient de l'Aigua en Agricultura
      Maps of irrigation systems are of critical value for a better understanding of the human impact on the water cycle, while they also present a very useful tool at the administrative level to monitor ...
    • Clearance and persistence of Escherichia coli in the freshwater mussel Unio mancus 

      Campos, M.; Lobato-Bailón, L.; Merciai, R.; Cabezón, O.; Torres-Blas, I.; Araujo, R.; Migura-Garcia, L. (Scientific Reports, 2022-07-20) Sanitat Animal
      The excessive use of antibiotics has led to the emergence of resistant bacteria, mainly from the Enterobacterales group, with high pathogenic/zoonotic potentials that can lead to problems in public ...
    • Climate impact and adaptation to heat and drought stress of regional and global wheat production 

      Pequeno, Diego N.L.; Hernández-Ochoa, Ixel M.; Reynolds, Matthew; Sonder, Kai; MoleroMilan, Anabel; Robertson, Richard D.; Lopes, Marta S.; Xiong, Wei; Kropff, Martin; Asseng, Senthold (Environmental Research Letters (ERL), 2021-05-12) Cultius Extensius Sostenibles
      Wheat (Triticum aestivum) is the most widely grown food crop in the world threatened by future climate change. In this study, we simulated climate change impacts and adaptation strategies for wheat ...
    • Climate service driven adaptation may alleviate the impacts of climate change in agriculture 

      Toreti, Andrea; Bassu, Simona; Asseng, Senthold; Zampieri, Matteo; Ceglar, Andrej; Royo, Conxita (Communications Biology, 2022-11-12) Cultius Extensius Sostenibles
      Building a resilient and sustainable agricultural sector requires the development and implementation of tailored climate change adaptation strategies. By focusing on durum wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. ...
    • Clinical characteristics and management of neurocysticercosis patients: a retrospective assessment of case reports from Europe 

      Stelzle, Dominik; Abraham, Annette; Kaminski, Miriam; Schmidt, Veronika; De Meijere, Robert; Bustos, Javier A; Garcia, Hector Hugo; Sahu, Priyadarshi Soumyaranjan; Bobić, Branko; Cretu, Carmen; Chiodini, Peter; Dermauw, Veronique; Devleesschauwer, Brecht; Dorny, Pierre; Fonseca, Ana; Gabriël, Sarah; Gómez Morales, Maria Ángeles; Laranjo-González, Minerva; Hoerauf, Achim; Hunter, Ewan; Jambou, Ronan; Jurhar-Pavlova, Maja; Reiter-Owona, Ingrid; Sotiraki, Smaragda; Trevisan, Chiara; Vilhena, Manuela; Walker, Naomi F; Zammarchi, Lorenzo; Winkler, Andrea Sylvia (Journal of Travel Medicine, 2022-10-12) Sanitat Animal
      Objectives: Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is a parasitic disease caused by the larval stage of the tapeworm Taenia solium. NCC mainly occurs in Africa, Latin America and South-East Asia and can cause a ...
    • Clinical course impacts early kinetics,magnitude, and amplitude of SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies beyond 1 year after infection 

      Pradenas, Edwards; Trinité, Benjamin; Urrea, Víctor; Marfil, Silvia; Tarrés-Freixas, Ferran; Ortiz, Raquel; Rovirosa, Carla; Rodon, Jordi; Vergara-Alert, Júlia; Segalés, Joaquim; Guallar, Victor; Valencia, Alfonso; Izquierdo-Useros, Nuria; Noguera-Julian, Marc; Carrillo, Jorge; Paredes, Roger; Mateu, Lourdes; Chamorro, Anna; Toledo, Ruth; Massanella, Marta; Clotet, Bonaventura; Blanco, Julià (Cell Reports Medicine, 2022-01-24) Sanitat Animal
      To understand the determinants of long-term immune responses to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and the concurrent impact of vaccination and emerging variants, we follow a ...
    • Clinical response to pandemic h1n1 influenza virus from a fatal and mild case in ferrets 

      Martínez-Orellana, Pamela; Martorell, Jaume; Vidaña, Beatriz; Majo, Natalia; Martínez, Jorge; Falcón, Ana; Rodríguez-Frandsen, Ariel; Casas, Inmaculada; Pozo, Francisco; Andón Mañero, Miquel; García-Barreno, Blanca; Melero, Jose A.; Fraile, Lorenzo; Nieto, Amelia; Montoya, Maria (Virology Journal, 2015-03-26) Sanitat Animal
      Background: The majority of pandemic 2009 H1N1 (A(H1N1)pdm09) influenza virus (IV) caused mild symptoms in most infected patients, however, a greater rate of severe disease was observed in healthy young ...
    • Clinical, imaging, and pathologic features in cases of neurologic disease in 3 psittacine birds 

      Pintado, Ester; Martorell, Jaume; Solanes, Ferran; Ramis, Antonio J. (Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 2022-05-21) Sanitat Animal
      We used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to evaluate the CNS, and confirmed CNS lesions histologically, in 3 psittacine birds with neurologic signs. One bird was recumbent as a result of non-ambulatory ...
    • Clinical, Pathological and Virological Outcomes of Tissue-Homogenate-Derived and Cell-Adapted Strains of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) in a Neonatal Pig Model 

      López-Figueroa, Carlos; Cano, Esmeralda; Navarro, Núria; Pérez-Maíllo, Mónica; Pujols, Joan; Núñez, José I.; Vergara-Alert, Júlia; Segalés, Joaquim (Viruses, 2023-12-27) Sanitat Animal
      Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) is characterized by diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, and high mortality rates in neonatal piglets. Two distinct genogroups, S-INDEL (G1a, G1b) and non-S INDEL ...
    • Closing nutrient loops in a maize rotation. Catch crops to reduce nutrient leaching and increase biogas production by anaerobic co-digestion with dairy manure 

      Riau, V.; Burgos, L.; Camps, F.; Domingo, F.; Torrellas, M.; Antón, A.; Bonmatí, A. (Waste Management, 2021-04-18) Sostenibilitat en Biosistemes
      Three catch crop species, ryegrass, forage rape and black oat, were grown between successive rotations of maize to reduce nitrogen leaching due to maize fertilization with digested dairy manure. Catch ...
    • cmv1 is a gate for Cucumber mosaic virus transport from bundle sheath cells to phloem in melon 

      Guiu-Aragonés, Cèlia; Sánchez-Pina, María Amelia; Díaz-Pendón, Juan Antonio; Peña, Eduardo J.; Heinlein, Manfred; Martín-Hernández, Ana Montserrat (Molecular Plant Pathology, 2015-12-09) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) has the broadest host range among plant viruses, causing enormous losses in agriculture. In melon, strains of subgroup II are unable to establish a systemic infection in the ...
    • cmv1-Mediated Resistance to CMV in Melon Can Be Overcome by Mixed Infections with Potyviruses 

      Giordano, Andrea; Ferriol, Inmaculada; López-Moya, Juan José; Martín-Hernández, Ana Montserrat (Viruses, 2023-08-23) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      Resistance to cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) strain LS in melon is controlled by the gene cmv1, which restricts phloem entry. In nature, CMV is commonly found in mixed infections, particularly with ...
    • CmVPS41 Is a General Gatekeeper for Resistance to Cucumber Mosaic Virus Phloem Entry in Melon 

      Pascual, Laura; Yan, Jinqiang; Pujol, Marta; Monforte, Antonio J.; Picó, Belén; Martín-Hernández, Ana Montserrat (Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019-10-01) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      Melon production is often compromised by viral diseases, which cannot be treated with chemicals. Therefore, the use of genetic resistances is the main strategy for generating crops resistant to viruses. ...
    • Co-Creation with Consumers for Packaging Design Validated through Implicit and Explicit Methods: Exploratory Effect of Visual and Textual Attributes 

      López-Mas, Laura; Claret, Anna; Bermúdez, Alejandra; Llauger, Mar; Guerrero, Luis (Foods, 2022-04-19) Qualitat i Tecnologia Alimentària; Funcionalitat i Seguretat Alimentària
      Packaging is no longer a mere structural element that only aims to preserve foods, but it is also a powerful marketing tool able to affect product perception, purchase decision and consumers’ food ...
    • Co-expression network analysis predicts a key role of microRNAs in the adaptation of the porcine skeletal muscle to nutrient supply 

      Mármol-Sánchez, Emilio; Ramayo-Caldas, Yuliaxis; Quintanilla, Raquel; Cardoso, Tainã Figueiredo; González-Prendes, Rayner; Tibau, Joan; Amills, Marcel (Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2020-01-17) Genètica i Millora Animal
      Background The role of non-coding RNAs in the porcine muscle metabolism is poorly understood, with few studies investigating their expression patterns in response to nutrient supply. Therefore, we aimed ...
    • Co-extruded alginate as an alternative to collagen casings in the production of dry-fermented sausages: Impact of coating composition 

      Marcos, Begonya; Gou, Pere; Arnau, Jacint; Guàrdia, Mª. Dolors; Comaposada, Josep (Meat Science, 2020-05-16) Qualitat i Tecnologia Alimentària
      The performance of co-extruded alginate coatings containing no extra additives (A), polyglycerol esters of fatty acids (EA), or pea protein (PA) was assessed as an alternative to collagen casings (C) ...
    • Cocina experimental de aceites del IRTA: primeros resultados de comportamiento de variedades catalanas en diferentes aplicaciones culinarias 

      Jiménez, M.; Romero, A.; Ninot, A.; Hermoso, J. F.; Martí, E.; Casadó, V.; García, A.; Lipan, L. (Almazaras, 2023, 31, 2, 46-52, 2023-04) Fructicultura
      En Cataluna, el IRTA ha localizado y documentado hasta 90 variedades. Los estudios abarcan des de temas botanicos, geneticos, agronomicos, de calidad del aceite hasta estudios de caracterizacion de ...
    • Coinfection with Entamoeba polecki and Brachyspira hyodysenteriae in a pig with severe diarrhea 

      Cuvertoret-Sanz, Maria; Weissenbacher-Lang, Christiane; Lunardi, Madeleine; Brunthaler, René; Coma, Mònica; Weissenböck, Herbert; Segalés, Joaquim (Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 2019-02-09) Sanitat Animal
      Enteric disease in pigs is usually of multifactorial etiology, including infectious and non-infectious factors. In many cases of endemic diarrhea in weaner-to-finisher pigs, the combination of 2 or more ...