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  • Identification of Marine Biotechnology Value Chains with High Potential in the Northern Mediterranean Region 

    Rotter, Ana; Giannakourou, Antonia; Argente García, Jesús E.; Quero, Grazia Marina; Auregan, Charlène; Triantaphyllidis, George; Venetsanopoulou, Amalia; De Carolis, Roberta; Efstratiou, Chrysa; Aboal, Marina; Esteban Abad, María Ángeles; Grigalionyte-Bembič, Ernesta; Kotzamanis, Yannis; Kovač, Mate; Ljubić Čmelar, Maja; Luna, Gian Marco; Aguilera, Cristobal; Acién Fernández, Francisco Gabriel; Gómez Pinchetti, Juan Luis; Manzo, Sonia; Milašinčić, Iva; Nadarmija, Antun; Parrella, Luisa; Pinat, Massimiliano; Roussos, Efstratios; Ruel, Colin; Salvatori, Elisabetta; Sánchez Vázquez, Francisco Javier; Semitiel García, María; Skarmeta Gómez, Antonio F.; Ulčar, Jan; Chiavetta, Cristian (Marine Drugs, 2023-07-22) Aqüicultura
    Marine (blue) biotechnology is an emerging field enabling the valorization of new products and processes with massive potential for innovation and economic growth. In the Mediterranean region, this ...
  • Probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics in shrimp aquaculture: Their effects on growth performance, immune responses, and gut microbiome 

    Khanjani, Mohammad Hossein; Mozanzadeh, Mansour Torfi; Gisbert, Enric; Hoseinifar, Seyed Hossein (Aquaculture Reports, 2024-09-16) Aqüicultura
    The increasing market demands have led the shrimp farming industry to intensify production systems over the last decades. In the past 20 years, shrimp diseases (white spot syndrome virus and acute ...
  • First record of paralytic shellfish toxins in marine pufferfish from the Spanish Mediterranean coast using cell-based assay, automated patch clamp and HPLC-FLD 

    Alkassar, Mounira; Tudó Casanova, Àngels; Rambla Alegre, Maria; Ferreres, Laura; Diogène, Jorge; Sureda, Francesc X.; Campàs, Mònica (Chemosphere, 2024-08-08) Aigües Marines i Continentals
    Pufferfish is one of the most poisonous marine organisms, responsible for numerous poisoning incidents and some human fatalities due to its capability to accumulate potent neurotoxins such as tetrodotoxins ...
  • Water availability and biological interactions shape amphibian abundance and diversity in Mediterranean temporary rivers 

    Puig-Gironès, Roger; Bel, Gemma; Cid, Núria; Cañedo-Argüelles, Miguel; Fernández-Calero, José María; Quevedo-Ortiz, Guillermo; Fortuño, Pau; Vinyoles, Dolors; Real, Joan; Pujol-Buxó, Eudald; Bonada, Núria (Science of The Total Environment, 2024-08-30) Aigües Marines i Continentals
    Amphibians, the most threatened vertebrates globally, face risks due to climate change, habitat loss, and fragmentation. Their sensitivity to environmental changes highlights their importance as ecological ...
  • Strategies for porcine liver valorization as a source of food ingredients 

    Saguer, Elena; Abril, Blanca; Pateiro, Mirian; Bermúdez, Roberto; Domínguez-Valencia, Rubén; BOU, RICARD (Current Food Science and Technology Reports, 2024-08-06) Funcionalitat i Seguretat Alimentària
    Purpose of Review The sustainable consumption and production goal and the decline of offal consumption have led to the interest in seeking alternatives for porcine livers, the largest edible gland. To ...
