• Por un sector vitícola resiliente 

      Savé, Robert (La Semana Vitivinícola, 2023, 3645, Junio, 1322-1327, 2023-06) Fructicultura
    • Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV-2) genetic variability under natural infection scenario reveals a complex network of viral quasispecies 

      Correa-Fiz, Florencia; Franzo, Giovanni; Llorens, Anna; Segalés, Joaquim; Kekarainen, Tuija (Scientific Reports, 2018-10-19) Sanitat Animal
      Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV-2) is a virus characterized by a high evolutionary rate, promoting the potential emergence of diferent genotypes and strains. Despite the likely relevance in the emergence of ...
    • Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV-2) genotype update and proposal of a new genotyping methodology 

      Franzo, Giovanni; Segalés, Joaquim (PLoS ONE, 2018-12-06) Sanitat Animal
      Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV-2) is one of the most widespread viral infections of swine, causing a remarkable economic impact because of direct losses and indirect costs for its control. As other ssDNA ...
    • Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) population study in experimentally infected pigs developing PCV2-systemic disease or a subclinical infection 

      Correa-Fiz, Florencia; Franzo, Giovanni; Llorens, Anna; Huerta, Eva; Sibila, Marina; Kekarainen, Tuija; Segalés, Joaquim (Scientific Reports, 2020-10-20) Sanitat Animal
      Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) is a single stranded DNA virus with one of the highest mutation rates among DNA viruses. This ability allows it to generate a cloud of mutants constantly providing new ...
    • Porcine Circovirus 2 Genotypes, Immunity and Vaccines: Multiple Genotypes but One Single Serotype 

      Franzo, Giovanni; Segalés, Joaquim (Pathogens, 2020-12-14) Sanitat Animal
      Identified for the first time in the 1990s, Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV-2) should not be considered an emerging virus anymore. Nevertheless, many aspects of its biology and epidemiology are still ...
    • Porcine circovirus 2 immunology and viral evolution 

      Kekarainen, Tuija; Segalés, Joaquim (Porcine Health Management, 2015-11-19) Sanitat Animal
      Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) has and is still causing important economic losses to pig industry. This is due to PCV2-systemic disease (PCV2-SD), formerly known as postweaning multi-systemic wasting ...
    • Porcine circovirus 3 (PCV-3) as a causal agent of disease in swine and a proposal of PCV-3 associated disease case definition 

      Saporiti, Viviane; Franzo, Giovanni; Sibila, Marina; Segalés, Joaquim (Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2021-06-29) Sanitat Animal
      Porcine circovirus 3 (PCV-3) was discovered in 2015 using next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods. Since then, the virus has been detected worldwide in pigs displaying several clinical-pathological ...
    • Porcine circovirus 3 (PCV-3) variability: Is it in the virus or in the classifcation criteria? 

      Franzo, Giovanni; Segalés, Joaquim (Virology Journal, 2023-02-09) Sanitat Animal
      The continuous discovery of new viruses during the last decades has increased the need for new classification approaches and rules. Currently, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses classifies ...
    • Porcine Circovirus 3 Detection in Aborted Fetuses and Stillborn Piglets from Swine Reproductive Failure Cases 

      Saporiti, Viviane; Valls, Laura; Maldonado, Jaime; Perez, Mónica; Correa-Fiz, Florencia; Segalés, Joaquim; Sibila, Marina (Viruses, 2021-02-09) Sanitat Animal
      Porcine circovirus 3 (PCV-3) has been widely detected in healthy and diseased pigs; among different pathologic conditions, the strongest evidence of association comes from reproductive disease cases. ...
    • Porcine circovirus 3 is highly prevalent in serum and tissues and may persistently infect wild boar (Sus scrofa scrofa) 

      Klaumann, Francini; Dias‐Alves, Andrea; Cabezón, Oscar; Mentaberre, Gregorio; Castillo‐Contreras, Raquel; López‐Béjar, Manel; Casas‐Díaz, Encarna; Sibila, Marina; Correa-Fiz, Florencia; Segalés, Joaquim (Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2018-08-08) Sanitat Animal
      Porcine circovirus 3 (PCV‐3) prevalence has been minimally investigated in wild boar; dynamics of infection and viral tissue distribution are currently unknown. In this study, serum samples from 518 ...
    • Porcine circovirus type 3: a threat to the pig industry? 

      Franzo, Giovanni; Legnardi, Matteo; Tucciarone, Claudia M.; Drigo, Michele; Klaumann, Francini; Sohrmann, Mascha; Segalés, Joaquim (Veterinary Record, 2018-01-19) Sanitat Animal
      The recent discovery of porcine circovirus 3 (PCV3) has caused some concern among field veterinarians and brought the attention of the scientific world, likely because of some similarities with porcine ...
    • Porcine Forebrain Vacuolization Associated with Wasting in Pigs: A Novel Pathological Outcome Associated with Vitamin–Mineral Deficiency? 

      Ruiz-Riera, E.; Vidal, E.; Canturri, A.; Lehmbecker, A.; Cuvertoret, M.; Lopez-Figueroa, C.; Baumgärtner, W.; Domingo, M.; Segalés, J. (Animals, 2023-07-10) Sanitat Animal
      The term wasting refers to a clinical sign used to describe a physical condition characterized by growth retardation, usually of multifactorial origin. The objective of the present study was to describe ...
    • Porcine Protein Hydrolysates (PEPTEIVA®) Promote Growth and Enhance Systemic Immunity in Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) 

      Gisbert, Enric; Ibarz, Antoni; Firmino, Joana P.; Fernández-Alacid, Laura; Salomón, Ricardo; Vallejos-Vidal, Eva; Ruiz, Alberto; Polo, Javier; Sanahuja, Ignasi; Reyes-López, Felipe E.; Tort, Lluis; Andree, Karl B. (Animals, 2021-07-16) Aqüicultura
      The effects of porcine plasma protein hydrolysate (PPH) on growth, feed efficiency, and immune responses was evaluated in Sparus aurata. Fish were fed two isoproteic (48% protein), isolipidic (17% fat), ...
    • Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRSV2) Viral Diversity within a Farrow-to-Wean Farm Cohort Study 

      Kikuti, Mariana; Vilalta, Carles; Sanhueza, Juan; Pamornchainavakul, Nakarin; Kevill, Jessica; Yang, My; Paploski, Igor A. D.; Lenskaia, Tatiana; Odogwu, Nkechi M.; Kiehne, Ross; VanderWaal, Kimberly; Schroeder, Declan; Corzo, Cesar A. (Viruses, 2023-08-30) Sanitat Animal
      Describing PRRSV whole-genome viral diversity data over time within the host and withinfarm is crucial for a better understanding of viral evolution and its implications. A cohort study was conducted ...
    • Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome prevalence and processing fluids use for diagnosis in United States breeding herds 

      Kikuti, Mariana; Vilalta, Carles; Sanhueza, Juan; Melini, Claudio Marcello; Corzo, Cesar A. (Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2022-11-24) Sanitat Animal
      Processing fluids have been recently adopted by the U.S. swine industry as a breeding herd PRRS monitoring tool due to their increased representativeness of animals within the herd. Here, we use the ...
    • Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus impacts on gut microbiome in a strain virulence‐dependent fashion 

      Argüello, Héctor; Rodríguez‐Gómez, Irene Magdalena; Sánchez‐Carvajal, Jose María; Pallares, Francisco José; Díaz, Iván; Cabrera‐Rubio, Raúl; Crispie, Fiona; Cotter, Paul D.; Mateu, Enric; Martín‐Valls, Gerard; Carrasco, Librado; Gómez‐Laguna, Jaime (Microbial Biotechnology, 2021-03-03) Sanitat Animal
      Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is a viral disease defined by reproductive problems, respiratory distress and a negative impact on growth rate and general condition. Virulent PRRS ...
    • Pork belly quality variation and its association with fatness level 

      Albano-Gaglio, M.; Zomeño, C.; Tejeda, J.F.; Brun, A.; Gispert, M.; Marcos, B.; Font-i-Furnols, M. (Meat Science, 2024-03-07) Funcionalitat i Seguretat Alimentària; Qualitat i Tecnologia Alimentària
      Belly is a very popular pork cut composed of different layers of fat and muscle tissue. This work aims to investigate the effect of belly fatness on the morphological, mechanical (firmness) and compositional ...
    • Portable Electronic Tongue Based on Microsensors for the Analysis of Cava Wines 

      Giménez-Gómez, Pablo; Escudé-Pujol, Roger; Capdevila, Fina; Puig-Pujol, Anna; Jiménez-Jorquera, Cecilia; Gutiérrez-Capitán, Manuel (Sensors, 2016-10-27) Fructicultura
      Cava is a quality sparkling wine produced in Spain. As a product with a designation of origin, Cava wine has to meet certain quality requirements throughout its production process; therefore, the analysis ...

      Serra Gironella, Joan; Betbese, Josep Anton; Sayeras, Roser; Melero Casas, Aitor; Ribas Tibau, Eduard; Boix, Maria; Recacha-Borrell, Judit (Fitxa Tècnica. Extensius.cat, 2024, 71, Gener,, 2024-01) Cultius Extensius Sostenibles
      Varietat de cicle FAO 600, precoç a floració i amb una humitat del gra mitjana. El seu potencial productiu és superior al d’altres híbrids del mateix cicle. Tant l’altura de la planta, com la d’inserció ...
    • Possible roles of phytochemicals with bioactive properties in the prevention of and recovery from COVID-19 

      Koyama, Sachiko; Joseph, Paule V.; Shields, Vonnie D. C.; Heinbockel, Thomas; Adhikari, Poonam; Kaur, Rishemjit; Kumar, Ritesh; Alizadeh, Rafieh; Bhutani, Surabhi; Calcinoni, Orietta; Mucignat-Caretta, Carla; Chen, Jingguo; Cooper, Keiland W.; Das, Subha R.; Domínguez, Paloma Rohlfs; Guàrdia, Maria Dolors; Klyuchnikova, Maria A.; Laktionova, Tatiana K.; Mori, Eri; Namjoo, Zeinab; Nguyen, Ha; Özdener, Mehmet Hakan; Parsa, Shima; Özdener-Poyraz, Elif; Strub, Daniel Jan; Taghizadeh-Hesary, Farzad; Ueha, Rumi; Voznessenskaya, Vera V. (Frontiers in Nutrition, 2024-07-10) Qualitat i Tecnologia Alimentària
      There have been large geographical differences in the infection and death rates of COVID-19. Foods and beverages containing high amounts of phytochemicals with bioactive properties were suggested to ...