Ara mostrant els elements 1-20 de 71

    • A bi-dimensional genome scan for prolificacy traits in pigs shows the existence of multiple epistatic QTL 

      Noguera, José Luis; Rodríguez, Carmen; Varona Aguado, Luis; Tomàs, Anna; Muñoz, Gloria; Ramírez, Oscar; Barragán, Carmen; Arqué, Meritxell; Bidanel, Jean P; Amills, Marcel; Ovilo, Cristina; Sánchez, Armand (BMC Genomics, 2009-12-29) Genètica i Millora Animal
      Background: Prolificacy is the most important trait influencing the reproductive efficiency of pig production systems. The low heritability and sex-limited expression of prolificacy have hindered ...
    • A consensus linkage map for molecular markers and Quantitative Trait Loci associated with economically important traits in melon (Cucumis melo L.) 

      Diaz, Aurora; Fergany, Mohamed; Formisano, Gelsomina; Ziarsolo, Peio; Blanca, José; Fei, Zhanjun; Staub, Jack E.; Zalapa, Juan E.; Cuevas, Hugo E.; Dace, Gayle; Oliver, Marc; Boissot, Nathalie; Dogimont, Catherine; Pitrat, Michel; Hofstede, René; van Koert, Paul; Harel-Beja, Rotem; Tzuri, Galil; Portnoy, Vitaly; Cohen, Shahar; Schaffer, Arthur; Katzir, Nurit; Xu, Yong; Zhang, Haiying; Fukino, Nobuko; Matsumoto, Satoru; Garcia-Mas, Jordi; Monforte, Antonio J. (BMC Plant Biology, 2011-07-28) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      Background: A number of molecular marker linkage maps have been developed for melon (Cucumis melo L.) over the last two decades. However, these maps were constructed using different marker sets, thus, ...
    • A genome-wide association analysis for porcine serum lipid traits reveals the existence of age-specific genetic determinants 

      Manunza, Arianna; Casellas, Joaquim; Quintanilla, Raquel; González-Prendes, Rayner; Pena, Ramona N; Tibau , Joan ; Mercadé, Anna; Castelló, Anna; Aznárez, Nitdia; Hernández-Sánchez, Jules; Amills, Marcel (BMC Genomics, 2014-09-04) Genètica i Millora Animal
      Background: The genetic determinism of blood lipid concentrations, the main risk factor for atherosclerosis, is practically unknown in species other than human and mouse. Even in model organisms, little ...
    • A set of EST-SNPs for map saturation and cultivar identification in melon 

      Deleu, Wim; Esteras, Cristina; Roig, Cristina; González-To, Mireia; Fernández-Silva, Iria; Gonzalez-Ibeas, Daniel; Blanca, José; Aranda, Miguel A; Arús, Pere; Nuez, Fernando; MONFORTE, Antonio José; Picó, Maria Belén; Garcia-Mas, Jordi (BMC Plant Biology, 2009-07-15) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      Background: There are few genomic tools available in melon (Cucumis melo L.), a member of the Cucurbitaceae, despite its importance as a crop. Among these tools, genetic maps have been constructed ...
    • Almond population genomics and non-additive GWAS reveal new insights into almond dissemination history and candidate genes for nut traits and blooming time 

      Pérez de los Cobos, Felipe; Coindre, Eva; Dlalah, Naïma; Quilot-Turion, Bénédicte; Batlle, Ignasi; Arús, Pere; Eduardo, Iban; Duval, Henri (Horticulture Research, 2023-09-25) Fructicultura; Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      Domestication drastically changed crop genomes, fixing alleles of interest and creating different genetic populations. Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) are a powerful tool to detect these alleles ...
    • An association analysis between a polymorphism in the SEC24A gene and lipid traits recorded in Duroc pigs 

      Mármol-Sánchez, Emilio; Quintanilla, Raquel; Luigi-Sierra, María Gracia; Amills, Marcel (Italian Journal of Animal Science, 2021-10-05) Genètica i Millora Animal
      By regulating the expression of low-density lipoprotein receptors (LDLR), the SEC24A protein modulates the clearance of plasma cholesterol in mice. The whole-genome sequencing of five Duroc boars that ...
    • An oligo-based microarray offers novel transcriptomic approaches for the analysis of pathogen resistance and fruit quality traits in melon (Cucumis melo L.) 

      Mascarell-Creus, Albert; Cañizares, Joaquin; Vilarrasa-Blasi, Josep; Mora-García, Santiago; Blanca, José; Gonzalez-Ibeas, Daniel; Saladié, Montserrat; Roig, Cristina; Deleu, Wim; Picó-Silvent, Belén; López-Bigas, Nuria; Aranda, Miguel A; Garcia-Mas, Jordi; Nuez, Fernando; Puigdomènech, Pere; Caño-Delgado, Ana I (BMC Genomics, 2009-10-12) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      Background: Melon (Cucumis melo) is a horticultural specie of significant nutritional value, which belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, whose economic importance is second only to the Solanaceae. Its ...
    • Analysis of expressed sequence tags generated from full-length enriched cDNA libraries of melon 

      Clepet, Christian; Joobeur, Tarek; Zheng, Yi; Jublot, Delphine; Huang, Mingyun; Truniger, Veronica; Boualem, Adnane; Hernandez-Gonzalez, Maria Elena; Dolcet-Sanjuan, Ramon; Portnoy, Vitaly; Mascarell-Creus, Albert; Caño-Delgado, Ana I.; Katzir, Nurit; Bendahmane, Abdelhafid; Giovannoni, James J.; Aranda, Miguel A.; Garcia-Mas, Jordi; Fei, Zhangjun (BMC Genomics, 2011-05-20) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      Background: Melon (Cucumis melo), an economically important vegetable crop, belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family which includes several other important crops such as watermelon, cucumber, and pumpkin. ...
    • Analysis of porcine MUC4 gene as a candidate gene for prolificacy QTL on SSC13 in an Iberian × Meishan F2 population 

      Balcells, Ingrid; Castelló, Anna; Mercadé, Anna; Noguera, José Luis; Fernández-Rodríguez, Amanda; Sànchez, Armand; Tomàs, Anna (BMC Genetics, 2011-10-31) Genètica i Millora Animal
      Background: Reproductive traits, such as prolificacy, are of great interest to the pig industry. Better understanding of their genetic architecture should help to increase the efficiency of pig ...
    • Analysis of the melon (Cucumis melo) small RNAome by high-throughput pyrosequencing 

      Gonzalez-Ibeas, Daniel; Blanca, José; Donaire, Livia; Saladié, Montserrat; Mascarell-Creus, Albert; Cano-Delgado, Ana; Garcia-Mas, Jordi; Llave, Cesar; Aranda, Miguel A. (BMC Genomics, 2011-08-03) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      Background: Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is a commercially important fruit crop that is cultivated worldwide. The melon research community has recently benefited from the determination of a complete draft ...
    • Annotated 18S and 28S rDNA reference sequences of taxa in the planktonic diatom family Chaetocerotaceae 

      Gaonkar, Chetan C.; Piredda, Roberta; Minucci, Carmen; Mann, David G.; Montresor, Marina; Sarno, Diana; Kooistra, Wiebe H. C. F. (PLOS ONE, 2018-12-26) Aigües Marines i Continentals
      The species-rich diatom family Chaetocerotaceae is common in the coastal marine phytoplankton worldwide where it is responsible for a substantial part of the primary production. Despite its relevance ...
    • ASSIsT: an automatic SNP scoring tool for in- and outbreeding species 

      Di Guardo, Mario; Micheletti, Diego; Bianco, Luca; Koehorst-van Putten, Herma J. J.; Longhi, Sara; Costa, Fabrizio; Aranzana, Maria Jose; Velasco, Riccardo; Arús, Pere; Troggio, Michela; van de Weg, Eric W. (Bioinformatics, 2015-08-06) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      ASSIsT (Automatic SNP ScorIng Tool) is a user-friendly customized pipeline for efficient calling and filtering of SNPs from Illumina Infinium arrays, specifically devised for custom genotyping arrays. ...
    • Comparative analysis of rosaceous genomes and the reconstruction of a putative ancestral genome for the family 

      Illa, Eudald; Sargent, Daniel J.; Lopez Girona, Elena; Bushakra, Jill; Cestaro, Alessandro; Crowhurst, Ross; Pindo, Massimo; Cabrera, Antonio; van der Knaap, Esther; Iezzoni, Amy; Gardiner, Susan; Velasco, Riccardo; Arús, Pere; Chagné, David; Troggio, Michela (BMC Ecology and Evolution, 2011-01-12) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      Background: Comparative genome mapping studies in Rosaceae have been conducted until now by aligning genetic maps within the same genus, or closely related genera and using a limited number of common ...
    • Competing risk analyses of longevity in Duroc sows with a special emphasis on leg conformation 

      Fernández de Sevilla, X.; Fàbrega-Romans, Emma; Tibau , Joan; Casellas, Joaquim (Animal, 2009-01-01) Benestar Animal; Genètica i Millora Animal
      A competing risk approach was used to evaluate the influence of several factors on culling risk for 587 Duroc sows. Three different analyses were performed according to whether sow failure was due to ...
    • Construction of an almond linkage map in an Australian population Nonpareil × Lauranne 

      Tavassolian, Iraj; Rabiei, Gholmereza; Gregory, Davina; Mnejja, Mourad; Wirthensohn, Michelle G; Hunt, Peter W; Gibson, John P; Ford, Christopher M; Sedgley, Margaret; Wu, Shu-Biao (BMC Genomics, 2010-10-09) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      Background: Despite a high genetic similarity to peach, almonds (Prunus dulcis) have a fleshless fruit and edible kernel, produced as a crop for human consumption. While the release of peach genome ...
    • Copy number variation in the porcine genome inferred from a 60 k SNP BeadChip 

      Ramayo-Caldas, Yuliaxis; Castelló, Anna; Pena, Romi; Alves, Estefania; Mercadé, Anna; Souza, Carla A; Fernández, Ana I; Perez-Enciso, Miguel; Folch, Josep M (BMC Genomics, 2010-10-22) Genètica i Millora Animal
      Background: Recent studies in pigs have detected copy number variants (CNVs) using the Comparative Genomic Hybridization technique in arrays designed to cover specific porcine chromosomes. The goal of ...
    • Crossbreeding effects on pig growth and carcass traits from two Iberian strains 

      Ibanez-Escriche, Noelia; Varona, L.; Magallón, E.; Noguera, José Luis (Animal, 2014-07-14) Genètica i Millora Animal
      An experiment of a 2 × 2 full diallelic cross between two contemporary Iberian pig strains (Retinto: RR, and Torbiscal: TT) was conducted to estimate the crossbreeding effects for growth and carcass ...
    • Determination of the melon chloroplast and mitochondrial genome sequences reveals that the largest reported mitochondrial genome in plants contains a significant amount of DNA having a nuclear origin 

      Rodríguez-Moreno, Luis; González, Víctor M.; Benjak, Andrej; Martí, M. Carmen; Puigdomènech, Pere; Aranda, Miguel A.; Garcia-Mas, Jordi (BMC Genomics, 2011-08-20) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      Background: The melon belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, whose economic importance among vegetable crops is second only to Solanaceae. The melon has a small genome size (454 Mb), which makes it ...
    • Development and bin mapping of a Rosaceae Conserved Ortholog Set (COS) of markers 

      Cabrera, Antonio; Kozik, Alex; Howad, Werner; Arús, Pere; Iezzoni, Amy F; van der Knaap, Esther (BMC Genomics, 2009-11-29) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      Background: Detailed comparative genome analyses within the economically important Rosaceae family have not been conducted. This is largely due to the lack of conserved gene-based molecular markers ...
    • Development and Evaluation of a 9K SNP Array for Peach by Internationally Coordinated SNP Detection and Validation in Breeding Germplasm 

      Verde, Ignazio; Bassil, Nahla; Scalabrin, Simone; Gilmore, Barbara; Lawley, Cynthia T.; Gasic, Ksenija; Micheletti, Diego; Rosyara, Umesh R.; Cattonaro, Federica; Vendramin, Elisa; Main, Dorrie; Aramini, Valeria; Blas, Andrea L.; Mockler, Todd C.; Bryant, Douglas W.; Wilhelm, Larry; Troggio, Michela; Sosinski, Bryon; Aranzana, Maria Jose; Arús, Pere; Iezzoni, Amy; Morgante, Michele; Peace, Cameron (PLoS ONE, 2012-04-20) Genòmica i Biotecnologia
      Although a large number of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers covering the entire genome are needed to enable molecular breeding efforts such as genome wide association studies, fine mapping, ...