Now showing items 2262-2281 of 2694

    • Sow Contact Is a Major Driver in the Development of the Nasal Microbiota of Piglets 

      Obregon-Gutierrez, Pau; Aragon, Virginia; Correa-Fiz, Florencia (Pathogens, 2021-06-03) Sanitat Animal
      The nasal microbiota composition is associated with the health status of piglets. Sow-contact in early life is one of the factors influencing the microbial composition in piglets; however, its impact ...
    • Sow vaccination against virulent Glaesserella parasuis shapes the nasal microbiota of their offspring 

      Blanco-Fuertes, Miguel; Correa-Fiz, Florencia; López-Serrano, Sergi; Sibila, Marina; Aragon, Virginia (Scientific Reports, 2022-03-01) Sanitat Animal
      Glaesserella parasuis is the etiological agent of Glässer’s disease, a common pathology in the pork industry with higher prevalence in the postweaning period. Vaccination is one of the strategies to ...
    • Sow Vaccination with a Protein Fragment against Virulent Glaesserella (Haemophilus) parasuis Modulates Immunity Traits in Their Offspring 

      López-Serrano, Sergi; Neila-Ibáñez, Carlos; Costa-Hurtado, Mar; Mahmmod, Yasser; Martínez-Martínez, Jorge; Galindo-Cardiel, Iván José; Darji, Ayub; Rodríguez, Fernando; Sibila, Marina; Aragon, Virginia (Vaccines, 2021-05-20) Sanitat Animal
      Glaesserella (Haemophilus) parasuis, an early colonizer of the nasal cavity in piglets, is a highly heterogeneous species, comprising both commensal and virulent strains. Virulent G. parasuis strains ...
    • Soybean protein concentrate as a protein source for totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi) juveniles: Effect on intermediary metabolism and liver histological organization 

      Trejo-Escamilla, Idaly; López, Lus M.; Gisbert, Enric; Sanchez, Samuel; Rodarte-Venegas, Deyanira; Álvarez, Carlos A.; Galaviz, Mario A. (Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 2021-08-31) Aqüicultura
      This study aimed to investigate the effects of replacing fish meal (FM) with soybean protein concentrates (SPC) on the intermediary metabolism and health of Totoaba macdonaldi juveniles. Fish (initial ...
    • Spanish perspective on meat consumption and consumer attitudes 

      Font-i-Furnols, Maria; Guerrero, Luis (Meat Science, 2022-05-31) Qualitat i Tecnologia Alimentària
      This paper analyses meat consumption and consumer attitudes towards meat and meat analogues in Spain, as well as the barriers and motives that could modify meat consumption in the future. Probably, the ...
    • Spatial analysis of lumpy skin disease in Eurasia - Predicting areas at risk for further spread within the region 

      Allepuz, Alberto; Casal, Jordi; Beltrán‐Alcrudo, Daniel (Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2018-12-06) Sanitat Animal
      Data from affected lumpy skin disease (LSD) locations between July 2012 and September 2018 in the Balkans, Caucasus, and Middle East were retrieved from FAO's Global Animal Disease Information System ...
    • Spatial and temporal dynamics of suspended load at-a-cross-section: The lowermost Ebro River (Catalonia, Spain) 

      Rovira, Albert; Alcaraz, Carles; Ibáñez, Carles (Water Research, 2012-07) Aigües Marines i Continentals
      Suspended load dynamics were analyzed for the period 2007e2009 in a semi-meandering cross-section under different hydrological conditions. Samples were collected at four different points of the ...
    • Spatial distribution of flavor components and antioxidants in the flesh of ‘Conference’ pears and its relationship with postharvest pathogens susceptibility 

      Torregrosa, Laia; Echeverria, Gemma; Illa, Josep; Torres, Rosario; Giné-Bordonaba, Jordi (Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2019-09-13) Postcollita
      The spatial distribution of dry matter, ethylene production, respiration rate, organic acids, sugars, antioxidants, volatiles and fungal (Penicillium expansum and Rhizopus stolonifer) growth was evaluated ...
    • Spatial scale influences the distribution of viral diversity in the eukaryotic virome of the mosquito Culex pipiens 

      Gil, Patricia; Exbrayat, Antoni; Loire, Etienne; Rakotoarivony, Ignace; Charriat, Florian; Morel, Côme; Baldet, Thierry; Boisseau, Michel; Marie, Albane; Frances, Benoît; L’Ambert, Gregory; Bessat, Mohamed; Otify, Yehia; Goffredo, Maria; Mancini, Giuseppe; Busquets, Núria; Birnberg, Lotty; Talavera, Sandra; Aranda Pallero, Carles; Ayari, Emna; Mejri, Selma; Sghaier, Soufen; Bennouna, Amal; El Rhaffouli, Hicham; Balenghien, Thomas; Chlyeh, Ghita; Fihri, Ouafaa Fassi; Reveillaud, Julie; Simonin, Yannick; Eloit, Marc; Gutierrez, Serafin (Virus Evolution, 2023-08-24) Sanitat Animal
      Our knowledge of the diversity of eukaryotic viruses has recently undergone a massive expansion. This diversity could infuence host physiology through yet unknown phenomena of potential interest to the ...
    • Spatiotemporal monitoring of selected pathogens in Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica) 

      Gómez, Félix Guillamón; Díaz‐Cao, José M.; Camacho‐Sillero, Leonor; Cano‐Terriza, David; Alcaide, Eva M.; Cabezón, Óscar; Arenas, Antonio; García‐Bocanegra, Ignacio (Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2020-04-17) Sanitat Animal
      An epidemiological surveillance programme was carried out to assess exposure and spatiotemporal patterns of selected pathogens (Brucella spp., Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP), Mycoplasma ...
    • Spatiotemporal Variations in Biophysical Water Quality Parameters: An Integrated In Situ and Remote Sensing Analysis of an Urban Lake in Chile 

      Yépez, Santiago; Velásquez, Germán; Torres, Daniel; Saavedra-Passache, Rodrigo; Pincheira, Martin; Cid, Hayleen; Rodríguez-López, Lien; Contreras, Frédéric; Frappart, Frédéric; Cristóbal, Jordi; Pons, Xavier; Flores, Neftali; Bourrel, Luc (Remote Sensing, 2024-01-22) Ús Eficient de l'Aigua en Agricultura
      This study aims to develop and implement a methodology for retrieving bio-optical parameters in a lagoon located in the Biobío region, South-Central Chile, by analyzing time series of Landsat-8 OLI ...
    • Spawning induction for Latin American fishes 

      Mechaly, Alejandro S.; Batlouni, Sergio R.; Elisio, Mariano; Sanches, Eduardo A.; Chacon Guzmán, Jonathan; Maldonado García, Minerva; Rodríguez-Forero, Adriana; Vissio, Paula; Fatsini, Elvira; Núñez, Jesús; Duncan, Neil (Reviews in Aquaculture, 2023-06-22) Aqüicultura
      Aquaculture offers solutions to meet the growing global demand for fish, and reports from the UN-FAO indicate that aquaculture production in Latin America (LA) has grown at rates above the world average ...
    • Special Issue: “Biological Control of Pre- and Postharvest Fungal Diseases” 

      Di Francesco, Alessandra; Romanazzi, Gianfranco; Torres, Rosario (Horticulturae, 2022-11-25) Postcollita
      The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development planned 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to ensure a better present and future for our planet and the people that are living on it. The European Union ...
    • Species which may act as vectors or reservoirs of diseases covered by the Animal Health Law: Listed pathogens of crustaceans 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Alvarez, Julio; Bicout, Dominique; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Louis; Gortazar Smith, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Angel; Padalino, Barbara; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Arzul, Isabelle; Dharmaveer, Shetty; Olesen, Niels Jørgen; Schiøtt, Morten; Sindre, Hilde; Stone, David; Vendramin, Niccoló; Alemu, Selam; Antoniou, Sotiria-Eleni; Aznar, Inma; Barizzone, Fulvio; Dhollander, Sofie; Gnocchi, Marzia; Karagianni, Anna Eleonora; Kero, Linnea Lindgren; Munoz Guajardo, Irene Pilar; Roberts, Helen (EFSA Journal, 2023-08-01) Benestar Animal
      Vector or reservoir species of three diseases of crustaceans listed in the Animal Health Law were identified based on evidence generated through an extensive literature review, to support a possible ...
    • Species which may act as vectors or reservoirs of diseases covered by the Animal Health Law: Listed pathogens of fish 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Alvarez, Julio; Bicout, Dominique; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Louis; Gortazar Smith, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Angel; Padalino, Barbara; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Arzul, Isabelle; Dharmaveer, Shetty; Olesen, Niels Jørgen; Schiøtt, Morten; Sindre, Hilde; Stone, David; Vendramin, Niccoló; Aires, Mariana; Aznar Asensio, Inmaculada; Antoniou, Sotiria-Eleni; Barizzone, Fulvio; Dhollander, Sofie; Gnocchi, Marzia; Karagianni, Anna Eleonora; Kero, Linnea Lindgren; Munoz Guajardo, Irene Pilar; Rusina, Alessia; Roberts, Helen (EFSA Journal, 2023-08-01) Benestar Animal
      Vector or reservoir species of five fish diseases listed in the Animal Health Law were identified, based on evidence generated through an extensive literature review (ELR), to support a possible updating ...
    • Species which may act as vectors or reservoirs of diseases covered by the Animal Health Law: Listed pathogens of molluscs 

      EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Nielsen, Søren Saxmose; Alvarez, Julio; Bicout, Dominique; Calistri, Paolo; Canali, Elisabetta; Drewe, Julian Ashley; Garin-Bastuji, Bruno; Gonzales Rojas, José Louis; Gortazar Smith, Christian; Herskin, Mette; Michel, Virginie; Miranda Chueca, Miguel Angel; Padalino, Barbara; Roberts, Helen; Spoolder, Hans; Ståhl, Karl; Velarde, Antonio; Viltrop, Arvo; Winckler, Christoph; Arzul, Isabelle; Dharmaveer, Shetty; Olesen, Niels Jørgen; Schiøtt, Morten; Sindre, Hilde; Stone, David; Vendramin, Niccoló; Antoniou, Sotiria-Eleni; Dhollander, Sofie; Karagianni, Anna Eleonora; Kero, Linnea Lindgren; Gnocchi, Marzia; Aznar, Inma; Barizzone, Fulvio; Munoz Guajardo, Irene Pilar; Roberts, Helen (EFSA Journal, 2023-08-01) Benestar Animal
      Vector or reservoir species of five mollusc diseases listed in the Animal Health Law were identified, based on evidence generated through an extensive literature review, to support a possible updating ...
    • Sperm contamination by urine in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) and the use of extender solutions for short-term chilled storage 

      González-López, Wendy Ángela; Ramos-Júdez, Sandra; Giménez, Ignacio; Duncan, Neil J. (Aquaculture, 2019-11-01) Aqüicultura
      Methods are needed to manage the sperm of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis), which will enable the industry to use artificial fertilisation to reproduce hatchery raised sole and implement breeding ...
    • Spray Dried Animal Plasma as an Alternative to Antibiotics in Weanling Pigs 

      Torrallardona, David (Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2010-01-01) Nutrició Animal
      Piglet health at weaning is compromised due to several stress factors. Following the ban of antibiotic growth promoters new alternatives are required to control these problems. This paper reviews the ...
    • Spray dried plasma as an alternative to antibiotics in piglet feeds, mode of action and biosafety 

      Pérez-Bosque, Anna; Polo, Javier; Torrallardona, David (Porcine Health Management, 2016-07-23) Nutrició Animal
      The use of growth promoting and therapeutic antibiotics in piglet feed has been a concerning subject over the last few decades because of the risk of generating antimicrobial resistance that could be ...
    • Spray-dried plasma promotes growth, modulates the activity of antioxidant defenses, and enhances the immune status of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) fingerlings 

      Gisbert, E.; Skalli, A.; Campbell, J.; Solovyev, M. M.; Rodríguez, C.; Dias, J.; Polo, J. (Journal of Animal Science, 2015-01-01) Aqüicultura
      Terrestrial animal byproduct meals, including nonruminant blood meal and blood products, represent the largest and largely untapped safe source of animal protein available within the international market ...