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dc.contributor.authorFernandez Aguilar, Xavier
dc.contributor.authorMahapatra, Mana
dc.contributor.authorBegovoeva, Mattia
dc.contributor.authorKalema-Zikusoka, Gladys
dc.contributor.authorDriciru, Margaret
dc.contributor.authorAyebazibwe, Chrisostom
dc.contributor.authorAdwok, David Salomon
dc.contributor.authorKock, Michael
dc.contributor.authorKabemba Lukusa, Jean-Paul
dc.contributor.authorMuro, Jesus
dc.contributor.authorMarco, Ignasi
dc.contributor.authorColom-Cadena, Andreu
dc.contributor.authorEspunyes, Johan
dc.contributor.authorMeunier, Natascha
dc.contributor.authorCabezón, Oscar
dc.contributor.authorCaron, Alexandre
dc.contributor.authorBataille, Arnaud
dc.contributor.authorLibeau, Genevieve
dc.contributor.authorParekh, Krupali
dc.contributor.authorParida, Satya
dc.contributor.authorKock, Richard
dc.contributor.otherProducció Animalca
dc.identifier.citationFernandez Aguilar, Xavier, Mana Mahapatra, Mattia Begovoeva, Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka, Margaret Driciru, Chrisostom Ayebazibwe, and David Solomon Adwok et al. 2020. "Peste Des Petits Ruminants At The Wildlife–Livestock Interface In The Northern Albertine Rift And Nile Basin, East Africa". Viruses 12 (3): 293. doi:10.3390/
dc.description.abstractIn the recent past, peste des petits ruminants (PPR) emerged in East Africa causing outbreaks in small livestock across different countries, with evidences of spillover to wildlife. In order to understand better PPR at the wildlife–livestock interface, we investigated patterns of peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) exposure, disease outbreaks, and viral sequences in the northern Albertine Rift. PPRV antibodies indicated a widespread exposure in apparently healthy wildlife from South Sudan (2013) and Uganda (2015, 2017). African buffaloes and Uganda kobs <1-year-old from Queen Elizabeth National Park (2015) had antibodies against PPRV N-antigen and local serosurvey captured a subsequent spread of PPRV in livestock. Outbreaks with PPR-like syndrome in sheep and goats were recorded around the Greater Virunga Landscape in Kasese (2016), Kisoro and Kabale (2017) from western Uganda, and in North Kivu (2017) from eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). This landscape would not be considered typical for PPR persistence as it is a mixed forest–savannah ecosystem with mostly sedentary livestock. PPRV sequences from DRC (2017) were identical to strains from Burundi (2018) and confirmed a transboundary spread of PPRV. Our results indicate an epidemiological linkage between epizootic cycles in livestock and exposure in wildlife, denoting the importance of PPR surveillance on wild artiodactyls for both conservation and eradication
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 Internationalca
dc.titlePeste des petits ruminants at the wildlife-livestock interface in the Northern Albertine Rift and Nile Basin, East Africaca
dc.contributor.groupSanitat Animalca

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